The Key

poem by: Susie Timbo
Written on Sep 10, 2013

We were good friends and closer to more,
but then you broke my heart and i thought that would be the end for sure.
You ignored me and my hope started fading, 
but you keep coming back like everything's fine
Like you can sense me giving up and came back to hold me down.
It's like you've taken my heart and locked it in a cage,
and i had always thought you had the key,
that you were the one who wouldn't set me free.
But i look down and shining in my hand
is the key that i always thought was yours instead,
i realize, i can let myself out, i can be free of you.
And i don't know what's worse having the key to freedom all along
or finding out now that i have had it, that i really want to stay.




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