Is there ever joy in this world, growing up as a boy or a girl you have joy, but as you get older it seems like the world get's colder, men and women get's bolder,,sometimes you even get older, some teenagers never make it to see the age of twenty five, when will it ever be joy! when will you ever be able to come outside and smile and say its a wonderful world, seem like the world is getting turned upside down, you cant even go to another town with out hearing Stop The Violence, Peace Be Still Peace Be Silent, why must we be so violent, I just want to see the world full of joy like it was when I was a little boy, White and Blacks don't even get along any more you cant even go to store with out one looking at each other in a disgusting way, so I say stop now there is no way i can live in this world with out having joy, why cant it be the way it was when I was a little boy, Will it Ever be Joy!