Head for Home

poem by: Betty Redd
Written on Sep 23, 2016

Racing out to the car
wanting to get an early start to get to the beach

We all ready to go as Daddy shifts the car into go.
Mom holds baby Jeff on her lap with him cooing out the window

Daddy turns the radio on with his favorite song.
We all join in knowing all the words being taught by our Daddy.

Soon we reach the beach, while Daddy parks the car.
All of us get out our stuff and head for the sand
my it just got hot and water looks so inviting.

Viola holds my hand and we jump to get wet.
The water feels so good with splashing each other
along Daddy and Mom too.

We soon get out to dry off to eat our lunch.
Back into swimming at the proper time.

Two hours later the sun is going down
Time to get out of the water and head for home.


Tags: happy, faith, deep, encouraging, imagery,


More by Betty Redd

Head for Home

poem by Betty Redd

Racing out to the car wanting to get an early start to get to the beach We all ready to go as Daddy shifts the car into go. Mom holds baby Jeff on her lap with him cooing out the window Daddy turns the radio on with his favori... Read more