
poem by: John Prophet
Written on Nov 04, 2016

What is normal?
We live in a world where everything seems normal.
It's normal to have two eyes and one head.
It's normal to live on a ball floating in a limitless void.
It's normal to have two sexes for procreation.
It's normal for the sky to be blue and the grass to be green.
Everything we see seems normal to us.
But what else can we believe? We're custom made for the place.
How would we feel if we had six eyes and four feet?
How would we feel if the sky was pink and the grass was orange?
How would we feel if the world was flat and went on forever.
If born into this kind of universe we'd feel it's normal.
Normal is a relative term.
Question everything, because nothing is normal.



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Frank Hornby . commented on Dec 20, 2017 at 4:02pm
....I've read most of your poetry JG......and really enjoyed your thoughts....your head must be spinning with unanswered, and unanswerable questions.........but like me, you must "switch off" ....and channel other thoughts into poetry......I'm sure you have other thoughts, and memories.....this is not a criticism at all......
John Prophet commented on Dec 21, 2017 at 10:49am
Hi Frank Thank you kindly for reading my work. Poetry for me is a way of downloading my thoughts and releasing them into the ether. JG


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