A young boy played in the garden one day Running around so happy at play The house belonged to his old aunt Mary If truth be told she was quite contrary Lying in ambush was Prince the hound A more vicious beast could not be found He had the boy lined up in his sight And waited his turn for a juicy bite The boy was oblivious to the danger so near He frolicked and played without any fear The dog inched closer his nose to the ground And when the chance came he went for his pound A man appeared and let out a roar The poor aunt swooned and fell to the floor Women came out and ran back to hide Clutching their children close by their side The dog belonged to a spoilt young belle She loved that creature the hound from hell But they came and took him it was all too late Off he was led to meet his just fate! This is a true story and happened to my younger brother many years ago, the dog belonged to our older cousin.