My Bus Journey

poem by: Jenny Linsel
Written on Jan 22, 2017

My Bus Journey

Getting on the bus to go into town
Ten passengers standing up, twenty sitting down
The card reader's faulty, won't recognise my bus pass
Youths standing at the bus stop banging on the glass

Unaccompanied children, probably going to gran's
Elderly couple opposite, sitting holding hands
Driver says he's running late and that he can't delay
Gives me no time to find a seat, before he's on his way

Can't find an empty disabled seat, even though I have a stick
Able-bodied people stay sitting in them, looking at me as if I’m thick
I stand in the aisle, swaying back and forth
I'm facing south, though the bus is travelling North

I try to turn to face the front but someone is standing in my way
Weighed down with an overstuffed backpack, that pummels me as I sway
Youths at the back, thinking they're ‘cock of the walk'
With their forbidden e-cigs and their filthy talk

We come to a standstill, young mother gets on, pushchair in her hand
Though there's already two buggies on, and she's going to have to stand
She stands at the front, right in between
The passengers stay put, you know what I mean

At the next stop, I want to get off
But those standing won't budge, they just stand there and scoff
I push my way through to the front of the bus
I get to the driver, I don't make a fuss
The driver says  “"Sorry, I can't make them move
Good manners are a thing of the past, as this journey did just prove”"


Tags: rhyme,

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Cecilia Crasto commented:
I can relate to this, on a recent visit to Japan I was amazed at the respect shown to the elderly, and the love and care of children, who in return respect their elders...well done.
Frank Hornby . commented:
A real sad fact of life poem Jenny.....interpreted perfectly....good manners are quickly dying in our society......and I don't know why it is so..


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