Does a lungfish really breathe Does an archer fish hold a bow Does an arrow fish have a quiver Can a Blow fish really blow Can a banjo fish play a rhythm Does a Bombay duck have a bill Does a bearded fish have a goatee Can a Killifish really kill Does the bass fish have a deep sound Can a bat fish really fly Is the blob fish just an ugly blob Can a ghost fish give you a fright Is the blue shark really unhappy Can a nurse shark make you better Can a butterfly fish flutter by does a pencil fish write a letter Is the coffin fish an undertaker Can a puffer fish be out of breath Does the hammer head hammer in nails Does the undertaker fish bring death Does a gibber fish just talk rubbish Can a frog fish swim and hop Is the toad fish all slimy and warty does the electric ell give you a shock Does a football fish play soccer Is the Hag fish really a witch Does the grouper fish live alone Can a tailor fish really stitch