I stand upon a barren ground Where many dying or dead soldiers are found. Silent cries can be heard all around Of many a soldier that lay on battle ground. If only theyd known what they knew now Would they have died for theyre country on a false governments vow. Falsely led to do battle in war If only theyd known truly what it was they were fighting for. Hailed as heroic ib each of their deaths Too many lives gone in a wars gidden depths. A world ruled only by greed Upon their own country men Their government feed. So to our young children i say these words before the world they step out. Please be wary of the world that you are about to step out For nots all as it seems Its a world of much sad conviction & doubt. Listen to the parents who to you fave birth For this love is true & pure & the only one of its worth. Dont be led by viws or promises made By a governing force that leads to the graves youll be laid. Think about what it is you want from your life Remember that war can only bring to the world more & more strife. By Anna sabrina tate December 09th 2016