First he starts by wishing, wishing that he could have the eyesight, but again he wishes no more, for what he will see will just be a bore, to him, but Is he right? I guess... we are entitled to our own opinions. We exist and not live, for we give but we don't receive, We do wrong but we don't forgive Politicians fight for the cameras, But behind the curtain, they sing the same operas, Some read to attain a certificate, some to graduate, Tutors teach and not educate! Its like we don't eat but expect to excrete, the world is not full so they populate! The government is deceitful, Yet the country is beautiful, Rivers ask for water, It rains sunshine, Lions eat grass, Beggars are rich than millionaires, Priests sin and sinners preach, We suck leech, with all this, how then , Can a blind man..Want to have... his eyesight back? But then again... some sit and relax, and expect results, what catapults is economy, price, the tax picture this, opportunity comes to the lures more suffering to the poor, so, change comes with doers, A blind man too; visions us.