Dream of dreams.

poem by: Christopher Russon
Written on Nov 10, 2017

Open your eyes you will see blue sky's
Accompanied by snow white clouds
Look at those mountains and trickling fountains
Leading you to a brook near bye.

Looking around  you hear the sound of water falls
And sweet birds singing a song just for you
Can you feel the soft breeze on your face
And see the leaves on the trees softly sway.

You hear sound of people in the distance
And the sound of laughter everywhere
You look and you see clearly you are heading too a fair
And everyone are welcoming they wish to see you there.

You recognise those people you have seen them from the past
All those faces from different  places simply knock you back
Aunty Jill And uncle Bill and Morris the barber who cut your hair
And everyone from everywhere are all there at the fair.

But now you see a different scene it's time now to retreat
The picture now is fading your world is incomplete
You see things are not always what they seem
And non of this did happen it was just your dream of dreams.


Tags: Wishful, Hope, Inspirational, Sad, Happy,

Add Comment

Frank Hornby . commented on Nov 11, 2017 at 1:35pm
What a poem!....I found myself also at that "fair"....and I was being greeted by all long lost relatives, and friends.....that fair does exist in all of our dreams.....Chris..I loved every word of that wonderful poem.....
Christopher Russon commented on Nov 12, 2017 at 8:50am
Thank you for your lovely comment on this poem We lost a couple of friends this year both with cancer. I would like to think We will see them again in another life Maybe somewhere over the rainbow we may just do that At least I hope we do.
Denika Mica commented on Nov 13, 2017 at 5:10am
Simply beautiful. Love the descriptions. Thanks for the moment of peace in a dream.
Christopher Russon commented on Nov 13, 2017 at 9:08am
Thank you Denika for your lovely comment.
Janet Vick commented on Nov 15, 2017 at 1:44pm
A wonderful pen as we travel our dreams missing those who are no longer there. Many times these take us to a dark place inside ourselves. But we also remember the good things we have in our heart about these missing people. Janet
Christopher Russon commented on Nov 15, 2017 at 2:16pm
Thank you Janet for your comment .
A previous user commented on Nov 16, 2017 at 6:17pm
Christopher, I'm so glad I read your poem. Even happier that you got all that in such a good form. excellent work.
Christopher Russon commented on Nov 16, 2017 at 7:18pm
Thank you Paddy for your lovely comment.a mixture of feelings in this poem.one of sadness Joy and hope.


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