A Raging beast

poem by: Martha Gettle
Written on Feb 11, 2014

Today a lion ripped into my heart
 When it was time for us to part
This lion it came roaring in
When our life together came to an end

When death came for you my dear
It  led you so far from here
It left me alone here in this place
Now this roaring beast I must face

There is no place I can go
No escape for me I know
It’s teeth they gleam an awful sight
But not the worst I’ve seen this night

No the worst was when I saw you lying there
And I knew life with you I’d no longer share
This beast I see before me now
I’ll never escape there’s no way out

It will keep tearing my heart in two
As I live just to remember you
The pain is all to me that’s real
In life it’s all that I now feel

This beast is just memories it’s true
All the life I shared with you
The love we made kisses we shared
All the ways this life is not fair

This beast tells me and I know it’s true 
All the ways I still miss you
I close my eyes I wish so hard
But all I see are falling stars


Tags: sad, love, anger, metaphor, pain,

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A previous user commented:
I got goosebumps reading this. I feel your heart in every word. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please keep writing. Thank you for sharing.xoxo
Milton Robertson commented:
A heart touching and Beautiful poem
Christopher Russon commented on Apr 11, 2018 at 9:42pm
Excelent poem heartfelt.


More by Martha Gettle

A Raging beast

poem by Martha Gettle

Today a lion ripped into my heart When it was time for us to part This lion it came roaring in When our life together came to an end When death came for you my dear It led you so far from here It left me alone here in this p... Read more