She thought that he was charming Her friends say that he is so cute But little did they know That It was the furthest from the truth Her mother buys her a new dress She was excited because he asks her to the prom But during the fun and the laughter He spikes her punch with rum She wakes up in his BMW And saw him smiling smoking a cigarette A morning she will remember A night to forget She can’t stop crying She lay awake on her bed Feeling hurt and disgusted Suicide thoughts come to her head Her mother notices the changes But she doesn’t know what is wrong She uses to sing in the church choir But the preacher says that she stops coming around She hugs her mother last night Then walks out the door alone And it’s now early morning And she still didn’t come back home She jumps off the Brooklyn Bridge They pull her body soaking wet She couldn’t live with the memories Of the night she can’t forget It’s sad that her young life was ruin By the evil that lays hidden behind a smile Her mother’s whole world is shattered Never knowing what happen to her only child This is happening to innocent girls All over the world Taking away their dignity and pride Sucking the life out of their very soul Another girl sits under a tree Reading a book of poetry by kaz ishmael He said “excuse me, but I just got to say That you have such a beautiful smile And he sits down next to her And started to put on his fake charm But little that she knows His only intentions are to cause her harm She brushes her long blond hair Kiss her mom and takes off the bedroom lights His BMW is parked waiting outside They are going to movies tonight