An Empty Window

poem by: Smokey Wraith
Written on Apr 09, 2018

You look through an empty window.
What do you see?
Another world, seemingly better than your present reality.

You look through an empty peephole. 
Who do you see?
All the perfect images of people you wish you could be.

You stand at an empty door. 
Where does it lead?
To a far away place where your problems melt away.

You huddle inside an empty cellar.
How did you get there?
Life battered you into the ground, until you desperately found shelter. 

You hold up a broken mirror.
Why are you here?
If you knew the answer to that, the window wouldn't be empty anymore. 


Tags: Metaphor, Dark, Imagery,

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Christopher Russon commented on Apr 09, 2018 at 8:48pm
Excellent poem smokey


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