Meant to consume, and to be consumed

poem by: Sho Kashir
Written on May 01, 2018

In this, as it is  
Where, I don’t read, or think 
And consume, as I’m consumed 
Where my expressions are limited to 
Predefined emails
Expected conversations 
Structured mannerism 
Heartaches and headaches 
Why would a string of my that, consciousness? 
Or an absurd profundity of pure reason
Flung and flutter 
And move to distant perplexities 
Of Idealism 
Of poetry 
Of hate and rage
Of love and lethargy 
I wonder how one can control those, thoughts?
Which remain elusive and untamed
I suppress them, I should say 
I tell to my heart that
Listen - you are nothing, but 
A barcode 
A number 
An existential sign 
A reflection from the distant Galaxies 
A supermarket rat 
Meant to consume, and to be consumed
Deal with it!


Tags: Metaphor, Dark, Imagery, Abstract, Deep,


More by Sho Kashir

Meant to consume,...

poem by Sho Kashir

In this, as it is Where, I don’t read, or think And consume, as I’m consumed Where my expressions are limited to Predefined emails Expected conversations Structured mannerism Heartaches and headaches Why ... Read more