If You Would Change the World

poem by: Michael Wise
Written on May 24, 2018

Take care, for what you plant 
 will later be your harvest 
 sweet or bitter, it's your choice my friend 

 Cast not forth seeds of anger 
 nor bitterness nor fear 
 the fruit of such is poison in the end 

 Tread lightly as you pass 
 let every step be measured 
 where good seed may have earlier been sown 

 Lest in a careless way 
 you trample someone's garden 
 and kill the goodly crop that might have grown 

 May everything you do 
 and all the words you speak 
 build up and nurture everyone you meet 

 When harvest time arrives 
 the reaping will be joyful 
 the fruit thereof so full and bright and sweet 

 If you would change the world 
 for better in the long run 
 begin by making changes in yourself 

 Wait not for all the world 
 to take this course of action 
 leave your excuses sitting on the shelf 

 Take up your seed and walk 
 and start your garden planting 
 sowing it in love along the way 

 And bountiful will be 
 the fruits of your hard labor 
 the world a little better every day 

© Mike Wise


Tags: Faith, Inspirational, Metaphor,

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Christopher Russon commented on May 02, 2020 at 5:07pm
Lovely non rhyming poem with a good message.nice work Mike.


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