Chicken or Egg

poem by: AiR - Atman in Ravi
Written on Nov 29, 2018

Chicken or egg - what came first?
Can't find an answer that will quench my thirst.
“Of course,” said the chicken, “it was me.
Without me, how could the egg ever be?”
This question goes round, and round and round,
But to most, the answer is never found!

For without the chicken can an egg be laid? 
“And how could there be a chicken without me?” the egg said.
This question was asked but found no answer for years…
Till a wise man solved the mystery with wisdom and tears.

“Neither was the egg first, nor was it the chicken.
The plan for this story was hatched in heaven.
That nothing in this world shall be a creation.
Everything that we see is but a manifestation.”

“What do you mean?” said someone with a scream.
“Nothing is real! Is everything just a dream?”
The wise man answered, ”Yes that is true.
Both appeared together, everything is a myth –nothing is true!”

The next time you are asked the question, “What came first?
Was it the tree or the seed that came first?”
Don't go in circles, round and round.
For the answer to the question will never be found!



Add Comment

Christopher Russon commented on Nov 29, 2018 at 6:50pm
Excellent poem and a good Question
A previous user commented on Dec 04, 2018 at 3:34am
Would you say that an "animal" egg is called an "animal" egg due to the creature that laid it or the creature inside it?
R.T. Aquinas commented on Dec 09, 2018 at 11:02pm
Great poem.


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