Golden Heart

poem by: Dezzi Corona
Written on Jan 30, 2019

Her body, so sore and achy.

Before she will give in, she tries to run away.

Inside her soul, she’s never been so broken.

She’s now defeated from all her pain.

She casts herself into the dark.

Hateful voices echo through her mind.

Every word she’s heard flows through her ears,

Causing more pain with every negative word she finds.

She cries herself to sleep at night.

Silently begging to be found.

Despite the pain she’s drowning in,

She has too much pride to make a sound.

What if I told you the girl was closer than you ever knew?

Would you help if you heard her cries?

We just so happen to share a name,

Inside my head she lies.

I can’t handle who might know me,

I can’t let them know I’m weak.

They’ll destroy me with every chance they get,

Following orders like demonic sheep.

I doubt if I ever held any worth at all,

My thoughts tangled inside my mind.

Trying so hard to erase myself,

My head close to bursting inside.

All the harmful words I’ve heard.

They’re now carved into my skin,

They beg me to die each day,

And I think they just might win.

I only want to fit in somewhere,

Yet I stay misunderstood by every one in my life.

My only wish is to be finally cared for,

They just continue to brand me with lies.

No matter what I choose to say,

My words never mattered at all.

It seems no matter how far ahead I get,

They still manage to make me fall.

I’ve always held on tight to my golden heart,

Wishing it’s worth would be found by a rare open mind.

I wish they’d stop trying to traumatize me into suicide,

Comfort in another soul is all I wish to find.

I’ve struggled for so long,

I think I feel myself growing weak.

The weight of the pain has bent my spine,

No motivation remains to try to defend or speak.

I’m now at the end, my only friend.

It seems I have run out of hope.

I apologize for the burden I always was,

I am afraid I can no longer cope.

If any of you find another golden heart,

I hope my death will show you the way to be.

Don’t break another golden heart,

Just like you’ve broken me.

I am giving in now and going to leave.

This is what you asked for, right?

I am surrendering to this war against me,

And I’m no longer putting up a fight.


Tags: Sad, Love, Depressing, Pain, Deep,


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