Why me...

poem by: Paige Jackson
Written on Dec 01, 2014

Every night i lay and ask,
Why me...
Why i, of all five, the child she neglects?
Why i, who always gets blamed and punished for what i didnt do?
Why i, the only child, who doesnt fit in this family?
Why only me she hates and not my little brother?
We're both step children..
Is it because he's cuter than me?
Or am i just the wrong age?
Why can't she except that i cant change who i am?
Why can't she except me as one of her own?
Why can't she just love me equally?
Why did my parents always have to fight over it?
Of all the other kids, why was I the main target?
Why me..

Motherless, i sit and ask,
Why me...
Why am i a child of another divorce?
Why am the only one who seems to care about what's going to happen?
Why aren't i happy she's gone?
Yet, she wasn't all that bad i guess..
But, was it my fault this happened? 
Was i really that bad of a child?
Was i the reason they fell apart?
Why me...

Worried, i ponder and ask,
Why me...
What will happen to me now?
Will daddy and brother be okay?
Will i still be ignored and blamed?
Will anything ever be the same?
Why me...

Hardly getting by i ask,
Why us...
Its been awhile, so why the emptiness?
Why such a struggle?
If save up my holiday money, will that help daddy?
What if i dont ask for much and stay to myself?
Will that make everything better?
Im only 14, why do i have all these responsibilities?
Why me...

Scared, i ask,
Why me...
Will daddy ever get better?
Will we ever become a family again?
Will i ever be able to have a normal childhood again?
Why am i the one to deal with this stress?
Why me...

Im 15 now, and so i look,
and now i see,
Why me.


Tags: sad, anger, depressing, pain, hate,


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Why me...

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