loyal distrust

poem by: Paige Jackson
Written on Dec 01, 2014

It was the 3rd grade when we met.
We used to always hangout in class, 
mess around at reccess. 
We got a long,
and talked about everything.

5th grade, we didnt have class together,
 But we'd hangout after school,
doing the weirdest or even dumbest of things.

6th grade, i went to a private school.
we stopped talking,
and stopped hanging out.
but i missed you,
and i wondered, 
did you miss me?

7th grade, we ended up having class together again,
and the health teacher was talking about friends or foes.
You weren't listening,
so you acciently called me a foe.
we laughed o course,
and began to slowely talk again.

By 8th grade foods class, we were best friends again.
We hungout in class making fun of those who were mean to us,
and talked about our bras and how they fit.

By summer time, we spend all day every day,
We'd get on Omegle,
kik and skyped our new friends,
we'd walk to each others houses,
and even the mall.

We started 9th grade together, but,
ill never forget how we ended it. 
And all over, because this one girl was blaming me,
for something i couldnt have even possibly done.
but then? you took her side. 

You two called me up here and there.
yelling, telling me, "youre just a big sl*t.
nobody would ever like you.
were never even friends, youre the worst. 
you'd be better off gone."

you would push me in the halls,
make fun of me to all our friends,
but worst of all,
you broke the trust, the loyalty.
you spilt all my secrets i ever told you.

the staff in the school office now know me really well..
they even check up on me here and there.

i tried to be nice to you, and let her go.
i tried to ignore you, let you go. 
but it got worse and worse.

we dont even look at each other in the hallways. 
like were just srangers once more.
We used to be bestfriends.
or so i thought. 


Tags: sad, pain,


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