I rarely can do the right thing and be what you need and deserve. I struggle with making you happy and I regret it every second that passes. I fail to show you how important, amazing, wonderful and beautiful you are to me. I fail to show you how much love I have for you. It hurts me that I hurt you. I don’t deserve to even think of you. You’re a better person than I’ll ever be. I want to give you everything. In my eyes, you deserve the world. You deserve to live a happy, fulfilling life with someone who you love. You mean more to me than my own life. You are my everything and the fact that you even take the time to think of me is amazing and it makes my day, every day. My love for you is as endless as the flow of rivers and the waves of the oceans. It’s as strong as the gravity that holds us on this planet. It reaches infinite distance and is as ever present as the existence of life itself. The world does not contain enough pages for me to express the love I have for you. No matter what you choose to do in life, I will always think of you and my love will remain until the universe collapses on itself. I know this doesn’t mean much, if anything, to you. It’s you I want to be with till I die. You don’t know how much I love you, but this question is a clue. How endless is the starry sky? I don’t show you the importance that you hold. I try to be there for you but I fail you constantly I know the excitement of love is now worn and old. It’s my fault that you suffer, it’s my fault your love’s grown cold. Please know this though. It’s only you I want to be with till I breathe my last and die. It’s for you and you alone my love is as endless as the sky. James Dicus -(Date unknown)