Friday, Novemver 9th, 2019

poem by: Nemo Nemees
Written on Nov 30, 2019

She imagines drowning 
     In words
          In love
She imagines a train wreck 
     A mess of shrapnel 
          A mess that keeps piling 
She imagines a notebook 
     With words that lift her away
           With words that help her escape


Tags: Sad, Metaphor, Depressing, Pain, Deep,

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Nemo Nemees commented on Nov 30, 2019 at 1:55am
I didnt add punctuation cuz I'm lazy. Maybe I'll add it in another day. Sorry :/
A previous user commented on Dec 04, 2019 at 7:09am
Screw punctuation. its only for grammar Nazi's anyway :D


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