poem by: AiR - Atman in Ravi
Written on Aug 17, 2020

For God do we all search 
In temple, mosque, and church 
Little do we know that the ego does hide 
That very God that lives inside

We must let  go of the ego 
If God we must find 
And for this, we must realize 
The biggest enemy is the mind

But first, it is the ego 
That keeps saying 'I' and 'me' 
It dominates our life so much 
That God we cannot see

God is not on a faraway planet 
Nor an old man with a long white beard 
God lives in the temple of our heart
Alas, his voice is not heard

The ego makes us deaf and blind
It stops us from the truth  
And makes us pray to a statue and a saint 
And a God with a snake and a flute

What does the ego do in fact? 
It creates duality 
It makes God different from us 
And the truth we cannot see

The world has hundreds of religions 
And thousands of Gods to whom we pray 
The fact is we don't know who God is 
And we don't even know what we say

As long as the ego dominates our life 
Between God and us, it creates a veil 
And though God is right here and now 
To realize God, we fail 

Because the ego causes ignorance 
The truth we cannot see 
We believe in the myth and superstition 
And just be who we are told to be

The ego is my identity
The ego says, ‘This is me’ 
Because I keep saying 'My' and 'Mine' 
The God within, I don't see

The ego makes me suffer
Triple suffering with body and mind 
It is the ego that makes me cry 
With miseries of a different kind

‘How dare you did not do it!'
This anger, revenge,  and  hate 
It's the ego that makes us go around 
And stops us from heaven's gate

Who is, where is, what is God? 
The ego makes us juggle so much 
It makes us search here and there 
As our God, it tries to touch

But God, in reality, is within 
God has no bone, nor skin 
God is a Power that gives us life 
In the trillions of cells within

What is birth, what is death? 
Why did we come to earth? 
God is the one that makes us live 
God gives us the human birth

Without God, what are we? 
Without the Soul, we are nothing 
The body, in the end, returns to dust 
It is God that is everything

Unless we go in search for the truth 
Unless we start our quest 
We will just believe the myth 
And fail if we don't question and test

Life is like a spiritual puzzle 
The pieces we must find 
We must put together who we are 
And not live like we are blind

The truth is simple, but we don't see it
After death, there is rebirth 
It is our own actions, our Karma 
That brings us back to earth

The Soul is a Power in us,
With the body and mind, just a part 
The Mind and Ego is the one reborn
When God in us departs

But we do not realize this truth
Because the ego says, ‘It’s me’
The Soul, the God that is within 
The blind ego does not see

The ego is always looking out 
With the senses and the mind 
It does not realize the self, that's us
Being a prisoner of the mind

We are not body, we are not mind
The truth is we are the Soul 
Self-realization is the first step 
That takes us to this goal

When 'we' realize, not body and mind
 We are the Power that's the Soul 
We also realize  the  God  in  all 
That manifests as the whole

What stops us from such Realization? 
What stops us from Liberation?
It is the ego that stops us from God A
nd from Divine Unification

Man minus Ego is God 
If we remove the Ego, we will find 
God plus Ego is Man 
With Body, Ego, and Mind

So, we must let go of the ego 
If God we must find 
For as long as we think we are 'ME' 
The journey we will rewind

God actually lives within us 
His silent voice we do not hear 
Because the ego and the mind 
Make us live with a deaf ear

They make us live in this world and suffer 
Believing all this is real 
They hide the God that is within us 
As in the world we twirl

God is not far away, God is near
God is in you and me 
But as long as we believe we are the ego 
God we cannot see

The very God we are looking for
Is right inside our heart 
But the ego that is screaming day and night 
Tears the truth apart

We just live and we just die 
And God do we all seek 
It is the ego that stops our climb 
From scaling the spiritual peak

What is our life's ultimate goal? 
To realize we are the Soul 
We are the very God we seek 
Not the ego that plays its role

The ego that lives saying,‘It’s me’ 
Makes us go  round  and  round 
It stops us from finding God within 
As it fixes us to the ground

The truth is this and nothing else 
God lives in us within 
Let us stop going in search outside 
And go within our skin

What stops us from going within
It is the ego and the mind 
Though God is very near in us 
Our Lord we never find

God never leaves us even for a moment 
God is with us all the time 
But the ego is craving for this and that 
And so God we do not find

It's easy, all that we must do
Let go of the ego and mind 
Then shining deep within 
God we will find


Tags: Inspirational, Encouraging, Wishful,


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