There are so many things I cannot do: I'm scared to drive scared to swim I made a mess of half my life but here is what I'm gonna do: I may not inherit great grandma's genes: she died in the sixties but had news clips of Custer So I'm just gonna say Yes I can! There are some things I do really well and others I always wanted to do. I may die tonight but I've tried to write poems to inspire and tell folks you're not alone in how you feel I try to help friends and be there for them in my small way. I always wanted to learn ancient greek yes I can with the internet Yes I can! I'm fascinated by american history how a nation grew I can learn it all Yes I can,yes I can. I can learn most of all to forgive myself for bad choices which halted my progress I can try to move on I'm not a bad person I can be wiser and fulfill my potential and make life worth living yes I can yes I can!!