John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Simmering on a distant shore, my minds eye floats upon. Swirling thought upon swirling thought do my reflections grow. Infinite realms offer fertile grounds to burrow through. Mountains of realities the minds eye sees one as real a... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Indifferent. Existence does not care. Creation’s ambivalent. Ambivalent about the nature of things, simply churns. Our trials and tribulations mean nothing to the stark nature of things. Meandering through it ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Rage rage against the gale. Rage rage against the dark. Rage rage against the gods Our time in this existence is short. Get up off knees and make something happen. Leave a mark to be remembered long after your gone. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Here. We are here. Don’t know why. Don’t know how. Fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear. Eyes opened seeing. Believing needing, following. Unsure. What to do? Who to listen to? Who to trust, believe? Wh... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Humanity is now in a blender. For centuries humanity lived in pockets, developing different ways of being. Time passes humanity spreads mixing the pockets. Friction, grinding, war, the pockets grind against one anot... Read more

Essence Spirit So...

poem by John Prophet

Essence. What passes through. Essence motivates. Moves things along. Entwined within. Indistinguishable. Part of the whole. Spirit. Eternal soul. Called many things. Absorbs energy, stores vibrational knowledge.... Read more

Sea Of Uncertaint...

poem by John Prophet

Sea of uncertainty. Quantum verse. All options, possibilities play out. Universes floating on fluctuations. Quantum vibrations. Fluctuations of mathematical probability. Multiverse never ending. Adrift on nothingness... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Global revolution. Insidious connections circulating the globe. Tsunamis. Technology tsunamis wash over. Washing over all. Washing away what was. Preprogrammed narratives. Controlled by the few. Infecting, ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Dynamic vibrations, undulations. Quantum existence. Reality. Quantum foam, form. Consciousness dwells in the quantum realm. Pulsing in and out. Here and there. Everywhere. Uncertain. What’s seen rests on ... Read more

What Is Beauty?

poem by John Prophet

What does it look like? What does it sound like? How does it read? Is there beauty in mathematics? Are physics formulations beautiful? Is artistic beauty in all its forms discovered or created? Did Isaac Newton invent his mathemat... Read more

Who Is Right?

poem by John Prophet

What do you believe? Why do you believe it? How did you learn it? Who taught you? What where their motives? Ideas not men rule the world. Some believe in religion, some do not. Some believe in life after death, some do not. So... Read more

Ripe Old Age

poem by John Prophet

We will all live to a ripe old age. If not here, then probably over there. If not over there, then defiantly someplace else. The mind is everywhere at once. Experiences vary. When I die in one place the others... Read more

One With The Univ...

poem by John Prophet

What are we? Why are we? How do we? It’s an infinite place and we so very small. We seem so very much apart. Do we even belong? How could we ever learn it all? We look out, we look up, we look down and we look under. We fee... Read more

A Life Worth Livi...

poem by John Prophet

What the human mind can conjure.There is a Creator, in my mind there is no doubt. To some degree I can know a mans mind, but the Creators mind is beyond mine to know. There are charlatans amongst us who’ll tell us they know.The... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Are we ready for what’s to come? Will we know how to behave? Never before in human history has there been such disruption. It was once a much simpler place. No more. The future is arriving faster than ever before. Gaia now h... Read more

What Kind Of God

poem by John Prophet

What kind of God would treat us this way? In mankind the wide spectrum between evil to good can be found. In some, such kindness, while in others a wickedness not to be believed is in play. The ancients believed the gods in Olympus... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Einstein called it spacetime, opposite sides of the same coin. The Universe is expanding. In fact, science says the expansion is speeding up. But what is it expanding into? Time gives us a clue. What is time expanding into? Yesterda... Read more

Earth Centric

poem by John Prophet

We delude ourselves, always have, still do. Center of everything, gods’ favorite, we knew. How immature! We follow rituals begun thousands of years ago. Started by those who knew next to nothing of where they lived. Their p... Read more

I've Danced On Ma...

poem by John Prophet

and will on many more. Each have proven unique, with many lessons to learn. I’ve traveled far but have farther still to go. The road is long and tiresome, with many falling and failing to finish the task. Failing in any wor... Read more

The Awakening

poem by John Prophet

It began as the second decade of the 21 Century entered middle age, an underlying sense of unease, change. New technology increasingly altering perceptions. Reality not seeming so sure. Our five senses, were they enough? Were they te... Read more

Speeding Up

poem by John Prophet

Earth is becoming something different, something more. For millions of years proto-humans strode its bounties until Homo sapiens arrived. Once here, humans took millennia incrementally building improving its lot in life. Step by st... Read more

Anything Is Possi...

poem by John Prophet

Where did you come from? Every ancestor you ever had, had to beget with who they begot. If any link in the chain begot with someone different. If someone turned left instead of right. You’d not be here today. By being here... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Sun glistening off the tropical bay. White cotton balls float by reflecting Suns rays. Surf down below melodically soothing the way. Vistas of ocean from the left to the right, spotted with green jewels enhancing the sight. Sea b... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We Live in a terrarium.. With our lives we scurry around like little ants. We run to the store. We run to the Dentist. We run to pick up the children. We run to our jobs. Every day pretty much like the rest. Some hold out their... Read more

Define God

poem by John Prophet

What is God? What is a god? It’s all relative. It’s all semantics really. To those who wandered this globe fifty thousand years ago we’d be gods. Would those who live fifty thousand years from now be looked o... Read more

I Think Therfore ...

poem by John Prophet

Rene Descartes said “Cogito ergo sum” “I think therefor I am”. Consciousness of being is true regardless our reality, be it corporeal, digital or mechanical. We may live in a computer simulation, or made ou... Read more

A Moment Gone

poem by John Prophet

Took a walk with my dog Rosie the other day. Walked by the orchard on the hill that we go by on our stroll, stopped to look back as I always do. It’s a very pleasant sight regardless of the season. The trees lined up in rows w... Read more

Outside The Box

poem by John Prophet

What is truth? We live our lives being told what is true. Truths in science fall by the wayside when new “truths” are discovered. But, how true are they? Religions will tell you their truths. Problem is, few agree. So... Read more

Dream World

poem by John Prophet

Where do we live? Is this place even real? How real is real? We open our eyes and find ourselves here. But, where is here? We accept what we see, what else can we do? We move through life doing what we do. It all seems normal l... Read more


poem by John Prophet

It slips in at night. Stealthy and low at first. A few flakes pick up speed as the first low howl can be heard. Wind howls against the house, branches scratching at the window like a cat trying to get in. Heavy wet snow can be hear... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The waters have calmed. The kayak slips by while the warm breeze blows light. The loon eerily sounds it is near. Sun drenched clouds ooze vanilla cream. The sunset throws an orange purple light over it all. ... Read more

The Good Fight

poem by John Prophet

Into the bowels of my being I go, searching for who I am. Far out into the
 I search, as far
 as the eye can see. So many questions
 I have, but true answers
 a rare commodity. Fr... Read more

Graffiti Poetry

poem by John Prophet

Poetry Has norms rules to be followed. Who's norms? who's rules? Let's create A genre with No ruleS No rules at all. Graffiti poetry Is What It'll be Called. As with the graffiti O... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Sciences has opened our eyes on many fronts. We have learned much, but there is infinite knowledge to go. The Universe is larger than humans can possibly know. Our Universe as large as it is, is dwarfed in the Multiverse. So much ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Unique unto themselves. Truths. All truths. Amongst countless storylines spread through space and time. All believed, all known, all true. To them all true. Woven unique. To no one but them. Woven special focus... Read more

Enemy Within

poem by John Prophet

Good and evil resides in us all. Both look out our eyes. Both course through our veins. The spectrum of us is a score played out in our hearts and in our minds. Evil and good are in opposition, spread out on a s... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Frequency. Awash in frequencies. Sounds of creation all around. Everywhere. Every time. Cosmic music. Music of the celestial spheres. Resonating. Planets. Stars. Background vibrations. Cosmic ripples. Voices, fl... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Misty visions. Visions of what might have been. Foggy horizons, futures that will never be. Visions of people that might have been, that I’ll never meet. Places that I’ll never see. Potentiality that... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Chastened by expectations. Seasoned by trial. All journeys begin the same. Roads diverge, yet all end at the same destination. Experiences vary, stories differ. But the results ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

It is a mirage. Spun up in a place unknown. Everything seen an illusion. Ghosts, vapors whiffing in an out of existence. Ghosts in the machine. Infinite iterations running simultaneously. Universe one of countl... Read more