John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Cloud. Inward flow. Information accumulation. Flowing up. Cloud absorbing, storing. Archiving data, information. Mental generation. Ideas phase in from a different realm. Thoughts pinch off. Mind to cloud. Mind... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Walking thru a hazy mist. Incomplete vision of things I see. Mere shadows of underlying reality. Constituted thus, missing most of what is. Spinning. Spinning thru a make believe. Living in a foggy dream.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Sense of size. Sense of dimension, scope and energy. Feels empty yet filled with energy. Surging energy. Levels of creation beyond scope, beyond understanding. Intellect directed. Seemingly invisible yet everywhere... Read more


poem by John Prophet

In our faces. Constantly, in our faces. Glowing screens. Pumping, pumping out information constant Information. Inundating, swamping the mind. Washing over, coursing through. Minds smoothing, ideas blending. Minds... Read more

The Score

poem by John Prophet

I have thoughts, ideas. They well up from within. We all have thoughts, ideas, welling up from who knows where. Many unique, having meaning. Unique meaning. Our world, all around, pulsating with such thoughts, ideas. B... Read more

It Approaches

poem by John Prophet

As the  singularity  draws near, I look on with  trepidation. What lies beyond i do not know. A technological marvel some say, Nirvana it will be. Others say a dystopian future awaits. No one knows for sure! ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Peeling away. Away from reality. Seeing things differently. From a slightly different angle. Like 2D world discovering 3D world. Ignorance. Safe in ignorance. Content in ignorance. Best not to know. Safer, limit... Read more

The Machine

poem by John Prophet

Larger than can be contemplated. Older than can be grasped. Encompassing everything. Movements that cannot be understood. The machine controls all. What we, mere specks call the universe. The unfathomable, beyond ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are born into an unknown world. Slowly we learn as we go. Taught by those who came before. Who in turn we're taught by those who came before. Generation after generation passing knowledge forward. Knowl... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We have been taught. We have been programed. The veil grows thicker over our eyes. Our senses are limited. We see very little. Remove the veil. Think past what you were taught. Break the cocoon you’ve been enca... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Experience bubbles. We live in a bubble. All that we experience forms our views. Our views of reality. The Cosmos. Each living a different life, living in a different reality. A different universe! Bouncing ... Read more

There Be Monsters

poem by John Prophet

We who are born in our minuscule cradle in the cosmos see monsters. We see monsters in our cradle having been born with us. We see monsters coming at us from below. We see monsters in the great beyond. We see ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

As life moves along, choices are made. Choices that alter trajectory. Decisions that alter life’s flow, subtly or greatly. Choices can leave scars, scars on the soul. Scars that alter perception. Scars th... Read more

Checking Out

poem by John Prophet

We are here. Of that there seems little doubt. Why, or how there seems much doubt. Some say it's due to the divine. That, to me seems like a punt. Humans have always used gods/god to explain the unexplai... Read more

Old Timer

poem by John Prophet

Old timer. Reflecting. History, experience. Around the block then back again. Many times. Seasoned. Learnerd. Veteran of human existence. Worldview molded. Tempered under fire. Years in the making. Hammer, chise... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Ideas not people rule the world, competing for supremacy, domination. Conflicting, waring to gain the upper hand, control. Virus like as it spreads through the population Infecting all that come in contact. I... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Hairless Ape. Thinking Ape. Eons in the making. Struggling to understand. Understand its place in things. Understand how It came to be. Understand what being even is. Time passes ideas arise. Competing ideas. Ideas ... Read more

Phase Transition

poem by John Prophet

Humanity is moving through a dangerous phase, transition. Animal instincts intact, driving things forward. The animal can take us only so far. Procreation, self preservation now impeding the way. Sex and violen... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Rubicons. Everywhere. Crossings. Crossings to nowhere. Sad! Never to return. Great shift. Great pain. Tectonic in nature. Different paths. Mutating futures. Pettiness. Explosions. Altering terrain. Tectonic. Har... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Celestials. Spheres. Celestial spheres. Time immemorial. Humming. Humming vibrations. Endlessly, emanating throughout. Passing through all. Music of the spheres. Creations orchestra. Infinite spheres. Endless symph... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are all tightly wrapped. It began at birth. We are born with tendency, but the wrapping begins at birth. Like an Egyptian mummy the world begins to wrap. As the years go by the cocoon thickens. Depending on... Read more


poem by John Prophet

I’m here! I see me. I hear me. I’m here. What’s here? Where’s here? Am I real? What’s real? Virtual universe. Possible! Quantum computer generated? Possible! We don’t know all t... Read more

Gentle Breeze

poem by John Prophet

Traversing the hills, caressing the trees, gently swirling the scene. Life's medium moves, ebbs and flows surrounding all with subtle sensation. Moving all with jocularity. Ripples across an endless water. Lifting wings, s... Read more


poem by John Prophet

What's the point? To life I mean. Here, we find ourselves following The crowd. Doing as those who came before. Why? Did they know something, anything, about anything? Mindless lemmings are we? Are we... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Like a bottle into a sea, I toss thee into the infinite. The never ending roll of waves that make up a brave new brine. Like a bottle into a sea, I toss thee into a new roil.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Convergence. Technology disruption. Forthcoming. Blending as one. Moving forward as one. Feeding one off the other. Entangled. Never before such speed. Such growth. Cracking reality as understood. Blurring lines. ... Read more

To Be Young

poem by John Prophet

I can still remember, some of how it felt. The newness of things. Each day being a sunny day of newness. Exploration of what's all around you. Exciting! I can still remember the thrill of it all. The thrill fades over t... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Brightly. Creator, creation one in the same. All within reflection intention. Embodied. Realities inexplicably entwined, absorbed. Creators intent embodied within. Within genesis. All without focuses within, br... Read more

Cosmic Creation

poem by John Prophet

Cosmic creation. Minds. Transforming. From nothing and back again. Minds, puffed up from a different place. Bubbling through quantum milieu. Uncertain enigma. From nothing comes everything. Within. Minds observ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Left to right, all in between humanity resides. Narrow band of reality. Limited in nature. Controlled. Programmed in narrow reality. Freedom genetically manipulated. Swimming in a fish bowl. Limited reality... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Fading. Transformation. Pivot point. The past’s dissolving, fading away. Always has. Different now. Memories altered. Rewritten. Movement forward. Faster. Blurring. Acceleration. Fond past memories few and far b... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Reflection. Look around. What do you see? Are you sure? A terrarium, living in a terrarium. Rules laid out. Materials in place. All that’s needed. Needed by terrarium dwellers. Accept what is seen. Function ... Read more

Muddling Minds

poem by John Prophet

Muddling minds. Twenty four seven. Three sixty five. Infinite pages to fill. Day in, day out more of the same. What to watch? What to read? What to believe? Who to trust? Information, facts. Spun to a blur. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Growl. Dog eat Dog. Guttural sound. Flashing of white. Fangs exposed. Pecking order. How established. Jungle world. Jockeying for position. Pushback. Otherwise dominated. Jungle, survival of the fittest. Climb... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Out of the bog it rose. Slowly it grew, expanded. Complexity increasing. Controlling, ever increasing. Evolving in the beast. Fighting the animal. Struggling to survive. Struggling to grow to escape. Breaking ... Read more

Why We Have God(s)

poem by John Prophet

Humankind has been grasping for knowledge from the beginning, fear of the unknown was always forbidding. Why does the wind blow? Why does the sky crack open with light, sound and fury? Why do the oceans roil with such anger? Ho... Read more

Egalitarian Human...

poem by John Prophet

What did it mean to be human? What does it mean to be human? What will it mean to be human? Humanity has fought and clawed its way to the current. Wars and superstitions filled our hearts and minds. King of the mountain was the g... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Spinning back. One to the next. Back into time. Generations past. One to the next. Blending one to another. Similar, not much apart, one to the next. Not much changed. Not much different. Thousands of years one... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are mere children of the void. Specks on an infinitesimally small mote in limitless space. Lost by size, overlooked by indifference. A universe indifferent to our existence. The stars will shine, the planets will spin regardless ... Read more

A World

poem by John Prophet

like no other. Tiny blue speck in a void unfathomably large. Self aware beings truly not aware of much. Self impressed with no reason to be. Obsessed with sex and violence driving forces of existence. Compression point coming. E... Read more