John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

We are but vessels of the creator, within, the culmination. The culmination of the creators experiment. How we look, what color, what sex, what nationality, irrelevant. What we produce is what matters, what we bring to the table. Has... Read more

Our Beliefs

poem by John Prophet

are as varied as they are inconsequential. All struck on a speck of a place, in a speck of time. Our very evolution built on infitesimly small terrain. All that we think, all of the great contributions like so many others, lost in ... Read more

Reality Is Morphi...

poem by John Prophet

We can see this in the generations coming after the the Sixty Something's of the early 21st Century, those of us who were born into a world of limited technology. For Millennia technological change occurred at glacial speed. Generatio... Read more

Can We Trust What...

poem by John Prophet

One day we open our eyes and there it is. The world opens up to us, all that we can see. We move within our view, learning as we go. But can we trust what we see? Is it real? What is "real" anyway? Does anyone really know? Quantum ... Read more

In Front Of Our E...

poem by John Prophet

It's happening right in front of our eyes. We, who live today are right in the middle of it. Being swept up in the wave breaking on humanities shoreline. The global brain being born all around us, exponentially expanding, most obli... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Mankind began as a troop animal. Living amongst its own kind. Stepping out of the trees onto the Savanna. Mankind became a wander, small family bands bound by blood. Millenia past, mankind developed farming and the wanderer settled... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Where do they come from? The brain is complex, of that there's no doubt. Neurons, synapses, dendrites and axions, all woven together to make up our brain. Somehow, from this complex mess we emerge, our consciousness our mind, all ... Read more

Time To Grow Up

poem by John Prophet

The world is inhabited by us, nearly every nook. We are afraid of each other. We have weapons, massive amount of weapons, to protect ourselves from ourselves. Why? What are we afraid of? We breath the same air, we see the same mo... Read more

What New Realms A...

poem by John Prophet

We live in a universe of subatomic particles, the building blocks of everything else. All we can see and touch is made up of the stuff. Even in the seemingly empty void of space science tells us virtual particles pop in and out of exi... Read more

My Life

poem by John Prophet

How I choose to live my life. I'm wired at birth, my personality in place. I'm sculpted as a youth my environment had its say. The combination of both molded me as artists molds clay. With all this in place where do I go from here... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The subtly of it was breathtaking. The genius of it was undeniable. Not a single shot was fired. It took decades to accomplish, and no one saw it coming. Slowly but surely humans used technology. It offered so many benefits that... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Why do we suffer? What's the point? People are born with terrible conditions, live lives of torment and pain. Die painful horrible deaths. Why? Why would a God created such conditions? To teach us lessons? Seems cruel I think. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

What is normal? We live in a world where everything seems normal. It's normal to have two eyes and one head. It's normal to live on a ball floating in a limitless void. It's normal to have two sexes for procreation. It's normal f... Read more

The Underpinnings

poem by John Prophet

of our civilization is genetically controlled. Our two dominate instinctual drives, self preservation and procreation are reflected in our global structure. Our preoccupation with sex and violence, reflected in our songs, our books, ... Read more

Conflict Within

poem by John Prophet

Humans are animals, same as the rest. We sprung up from the same womb as all animals do. What makes us different is what’s in our heads. We think, we plan, we build, we progress. Human minds have grown to allow us all this. ... Read more

The Measure Of A ...

poem by John Prophet

The human brain weights three pounds. The human heart weighs eleven ounces. Human skin is seven hundredths of an inch thick. To know a humans mind and heart takes time. It takes time to parse out the subtleties of their soul, to ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

I went for a walk at Monson Village today. A place in the woods where people lived in the 1700's. Rock foundations were all that was left in each spot. Small signs marked the holes in the ground and describes the inhabitants that li... Read more

A Gift

poem by John Prophet

The meaning of life? This question has been asked for millennia. Some say there is no meaning, life is just a placeholder between oblivions. Others say God breathe life into man for a greater purpose, intimately meaningful. For so... Read more

Times They Are A ...

poem by John Prophet

The Twenty First Century will be like no other. For millennia the human race experienced glacial progress forward. Generation after generation pretty much the same. Then slowly at first things began to change. The Bronze Age, the ... Read more

My Name Is Joe

poem by John Prophet

Hello my name is Joe, I'm from planet Earth. I opened my eyes one day and found myself there. Where I was before I do not know. They taught me stuff, made me go to school. To keep alive I found a job then passed on my genes. I'm get... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Aimless. Wandering. Meandering. Meaning of things. Underlying uncertainty. Merely probability. Undergirding possibilities. Endless. Creating personal futures. What to do? What’s the point? Existence. Personal ex... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Choreographed. Wound up. Existence. Wound tight. Everything scripted. Coded. Programed. Everything. Universe on down. All choreographed. Down to the molecular. Predetermined. Down to the genetic. Preprogrammed ch... Read more

Magic Fish

poem by John Prophet

Magic. Non physical. Consciousness. Magically, thoughts float in thoughts float out. Where? What? How? Confusion of reality. Mind. Matter. Magic. Beyond. Beyond the grasp of mere mortals. Originating form... Read more


poem by John Prophet

One with existence. Contemplation. Above and slightly skewed of the material. Body, ocean material. Contemplation. Different. Non atomic. No structure. Ethereal Can’t be touched. Can’t be seen. Invis... Read more

The Scene

poem by John Prophet

The scene. From nothing. Flesh bone. Materialize. Short stay. Vaporize, aether, origin bound. Ash heap in time, all that remains. Ideas. Vibrations, ripples of thought. Transcends. Thoughts, concepts passed... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Truth. Consciousness. Dance of philosophy. Dance of mathematics. Spinning in tandem. Dancing in circles. Grasping at straws. Consciousness designates gods as answers, truth. Kick the can down the road. Capabilitie... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Time. Celluloid strip. Continuous run. Beginning to end. All imprinted. Everything imprinted. Imprinted on a continuous strip of time. Continuous celluloid strip. Running forward. Running backwards. Cou... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Deep. Deep into the bowels of time. Immersing. Melding. Sinking. Submerging, deeper and deeper. Futile attempts of immortality. Crushed by the passage. Layer after layer. Sedimentary time. Deeper and deeper. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Forms. A different place. A different realm. Where thoughts reside. Land of mathematics, and who knows what. A hidden place. Unseeable. untouchable. Sensed. Absorbed. Receiver required. Tuned in. Bridge fr... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Look inside. Open up to the core. Bone, blood flesh and more. Look into the organs, heart, liver kidneys and more. Look behind the eyes, brainstem, cerebrum, cerebellum and more. All looks the same. Where are you... Read more

Wispiness Of Exis...

poem by John Prophet

Down through the millennia grand armies have marched across plains of destruction. Battle cries forever lost in the ether, spilt blood absorb and recycled. Names of the warriors forever lost, unknown to the future. Civilizations ha... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Spirits flowing. Flowing freely thru time and space. No boundaries. Everywhere no limits. Infinity. Moving effortlessly. At a thought. Anywhere, at a thought! Thoughts, the engine the fuel that moves. Life. Corp... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Writhing. Writhing mass of existence. Experiment. Global experiment. Mixing, stirring evolving experiment. Infinite data points, mixing. Infinite results undetermined. Oblivious. Components oblivious, spinning evolv... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Creation. Designed. Designed by genesis. Spun up from nothing. Less than dust to dust. Yet here all the same. Dealing. Dealing with things as they seem. Discernible. What’s truly discernible? Limited reso... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Between. A time in-between. A place between darkness. A spot of light where existence lay. Surrounded by oblivion. A bubble of reality, embedded in nothing. Short lived reality. Here today gone tomorrow. Pool of ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Software. Sophisticated software. Beyond knowledge. Far beyond comprehension. Running, controlling. Controlling all. Mind. Form. Function. Everything. Everything at the molecular level. Atom level structure. Atom ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Alteration. At first, subtle. Subtle alterations. Tweaking. Synaptic changes. Outside. Outside influencing. Refocused sculpted thinking. Changes. Thinking changes. No going back. Technology transforming. Molding ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Point. Point of view. Whose? Where? Layers of taint. Taint derived elsewhere. Real. How much is real? How much is you? Point of view. Derived by location. Derived by introduction. Indoctrination. What part is y... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Once again my mind takes flight. Looking at all there is to see. Wandering through different times and realities. Following things as perhaps they might be. Different story lines as far as any mind's eye can see. Dizzying vistas unf... Read more

The Brain

poem by John Prophet

Our brains are fragile things, seventy percent which is water, and It sloshes around in our skull. Sixty percent of the brain is made of fat. There are one hundred thousand miles of blood vessels in our brain. The brain consists ... Read more