John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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Modernities Found...

poem by John Prophet

Modernity aspires but is built on shaky ground. Our knowledge so finite, much built on superstition and ignorance. The infinite beyond ours to know. Slowly, so slowly our knowledge grows, building on itself expanding faster as tim... Read more

Edge Of Time

poem by John Prophet

We are all surfing the wave of time. In times immediate wake is the frothiness of near history. Smooths out as the wave moves on. The wave churns and gurgles as the past is being created. We the flotsam and jetsam along for the ri... Read more

Sum Of Our Parts

poem by John Prophet

We are so different, but we’re so much alike. We all look different, but we all look the same. We all think alike, but we believe differently. Evil lives on earth but the divine is in play. We all love our children, but we ... Read more

Time Illusion

poem by John Prophet

What is time? Is it something we have? Was it granted to us from the great beyond? What do we do with time? I mean, we only have so much of it. Is time an illusion, something not really there? Are we an illusion, Just a view in t... Read more

What's The Point

poem by John Prophet

Why do we exist? What’s the point really? Are we here to have fun? Are we here to accomplish something? Are we here to hurt? We are dropped off on one end of a conveyor belt then chug along as the conveyor takes us for a ... Read more

Humans Must Be Cr...

poem by John Prophet

Our race against extinction. We all come from the same cradle. Though we think ourselves mature. Our childish and petty ways are truly obscene. We are products of our environment, fine tuned to fit the scene. Some are black with ... Read more

What Is Love?

poem by John Prophet

Why do we feel love? Do we even know what loves is? How do you know when we’re in love? Does anyone really know? Songs have been sung about love for thousands of years. Stories, poems, books and movies flood our senses abo... Read more

How Can They Poss...

poem by John Prophet

How will it change when we know? How will civilization be rearranged? All that we known comes from one place and time, one little speck in spacetime. Great religions over eons have arisen telling all how things must certainly be. ... Read more

Evolution Is A Vi...

poem by John Prophet

Some say it all started with a violent explosion, let there be light, a Big Bang. White hot plasma swirling around expanding in an amazing bound. After a while things cooled, came together, began to slow down. Hydrogen and helium gas ... Read more

Moment In Time.

poem by John Prophet

Photographs are time machines to the past. Instant moments in time reflecting back to current eyes. A street scene of Boston is hung on my wall, a moment sliced out of time from 1893. Trolley cars side by side waggling down the ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Some say the Garden of Eden was a myth, that such a beautiful place never existed. The Universe is a cold forbidding inhospitable place, a place filled with frozen gases, balls of fire, cosmic radiation that can fry one alive, dea... Read more

Twice Programed

poem by John Prophet

I was born here. You were born there. I was raised here. You where raised there. I was educated here. You were educated there. I have my beliefs. You have your beliefs. We do not agree. We may go to war. If I were born there... Read more

Rise Of Humanity

poem by John Prophet

When humanity first became aware, the world was a scary dangerous place. Everything was a mystery, nothing but survival at stake. We created gods to help us make sense. Gods became the catchall to explain the unknown. Gods became ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We enter the scene but do not hang around, shortly back into the ether we bound. We are just flesh and bone, in the end just ashes and soot is all that is found. It’s what we leave behind that may make a difference, that may ... Read more

Fate Of Humankind

poem by John Prophet

We see good and evil in our world. To make sense of it great myths of the light and the dark have been born. Great stories down through the eons have flowed, great battles fought, forever being told. Gods in the heavens, demons in th... Read more

We Are The Ancien...

poem by John Prophet

The Fermi Paradox: Where is everyone? The Universe is nearly 14 billion years old say those in the know. Enough time to populate our galaxy they say! But is this really so? The elements in our bodies were created in the stars, bl... Read more

My Little Home

poem by John Prophet

The universe above my head massive in size with spinning galaxy’s and exploding stars. I sit in my little home warm being content. None of that really bothers me. I got up to adjust my blinds and see the birds in the bird-fe... Read more

Bird Nest

poem by John Prophet

How does a bird know how to build a nest? Does it learn from its parents? Does it watch other birds? No to either. Instinct is what is said. How do baby Sea Turtles know to head for the ocean after hatching? Were they taught? No on... Read more

We And A Fish

poem by John Prophet

A speck of blue in the limitless black. The infinite of existence. All we know so finite. Like a fish in an aquarium whose universe consists of the aquarium and what little is observable in the immediate surrounding. The fish has... Read more

Prisoners Of Time

poem by John Prophet

We are born when we are born. We look around and see what we see. We then get on with it. We deal with what we have. This was true for those born one thousand years ago. It is true today. It will be true for those born one thous... Read more

The Melding

poem by John Prophet

Watch the people. They are changing right in front of our eyes. Slowly, incrementally, they’re evolving, becoming something else, something more, something different. A new paradigm is emerging. Not very ... Read more

Joy Of Aging

poem by John Prophet

The world slows down. That’s a good thing. Priorities change, also good. The rat race fades into memory. It’s now time to appreciate things. Let the next generation battle to climb the ladder, keep their heads abov... Read more

Perspective And T...

poem by John Prophet

Our Universe is unimaginably large. Tendrils of galaxies spreading out in every direction as far as the eye can see. Hundreds of millions in every direction. Some estimates suggest there could be 500 billion galaxies in our universe.... Read more

Corporeal Manifes...

poem by John Prophet

We are the visible manifestation of a much deeper design. Like the tip of an iceberg most of what we are is out of view. Science tells us that only four percent of what makes up the Universe is visible to us, ninety six percent is u... Read more

Religion Is Phios...

poem by John Prophet

Great Maker beyond human knowledge. Our time is short. Our knowledge finite. Reality infinite. We struggle to understand. We create structure to make it so. We build and grow the best we can. It’s a struggle every day yo... Read more


poem by John Prophet

When I was a young man I chased them by the score. They were fast, young and lean. Conquest was my aim, seduction was the game. Procreation, I was playing with biology's rules. I cared very little about much more. They were yo... Read more

Years Long Past

poem by John Prophet

I walk past the old football field, empty, no gladiators, no cheering crowds. PUSH THEM BACK, PUSH THEM BACK, PUSH THEM WAAAAAY BACK! Just echoes of the games once played. Just memories of those standing, watching the turmoil on the... Read more

Humanities Redemp...

poem by John Prophet

What does it mean to be human? Are we just animals or evolving to become something more? Are we victims to our basic instincts unable to push back and mature? Do our passions control our minds or can our minds control our passions?... Read more

Exponential Change

poem by John Prophet

Will the Twenty First Century be the end for Homo Sapiens? Can human minds and psyches stand up to the speed of change being metered out? Today, we make more decisions in a day than were made one hundred years ago in a week. Where d... Read more

Evolution, The To...

poem by John Prophet

The debate has been raging for centuries. Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Is there a Creator? We look around and see created things, intricate, complicated, sophisticated things. Creationism, evoluti... Read more

Computer Simulati...

poem by John Prophet

Some say we live in a computer simulation. A simulation run by others further along. Our sentients is just as real as theirs. “I think therefore I am.” If this is true, what do we do? Some inter... Read more

Spiritualism And ...

poem by John Prophet

What do you believe and why do you believe it? Our world has shaped who we are physically and spiritually. We are different colors, speak different languages and have different gods based on where we were born. The accident of birth... Read more


poem by John Prophet

What is it that gives some people power and others none? Why is it some use power to hurt while others to help? Why are some imbued with a will that can dominate? Using it as a power to keep people subdued. Power can be peaceful. ... Read more

Brown Crunchy Gra...

poem by John Prophet

Summertime hot, bright yellow star blazing. Day after day suns rays relentless. Heatwave in full swing, no rain in site. Bright blue up above, no clouds in the view. Everything drying up turning brown and crunchy. Crunch, crunch, ... Read more

One Planet Many W...

poem by John Prophet

Earth is home for billions of us, we live on one planet, we all call it home. None of us, however, live in the same world. The worlds we live in are as varied as the people that inhabit them. Some live in heaven others call hell t... Read more

What Are We?

poem by John Prophet

We are just bags of meat and water. Then why the consciousness? Consciousness is indeed a mystery. Does consciousness come from somewhere else and just inhabits our minds? Are our minds simply like a radio receiver collecting the ... Read more

How Much Is Up To...

poem by John Prophet

Do we really have free will, or are we preprogrammed to be who we are to be? Being born a boy or a girl did we have any say? Hormones in my body that motivate were not ordered by me. Everything about me genetically controlled. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Some say less is really more, or is it more is really less. I believe both to be true. The future screams towards us faster every day. The pace and complexity of life quickens. Technology more pervasive. The human psyche bombarde... Read more

Vivid Red Barn

poem by John Prophet

Vivid red barn juxtaposed against a green pumpkin field. Cloudless sky with bright sun hurt my eyes. Starkness of the scene burnt into my mind. Beautiful! Time passes. Sun lowers in the sky with fat orange orbs all around. Brigh... Read more

How Else Could It...

poem by John Prophet

How far back do you wish to go? Could the universe have failed to Big Bang? Could the galaxies have all failed to form? Could the sun have failed to be born? Could the moon have been to small? Could it have failed to form at all?... Read more