John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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Orchard On A Hill

poem by John Prophet

Splashes of green lined up row after row. Limbs of green shooting skyward downward everywhere. Vibrant light shades of newness this time every year, each displaying its own quaint uniqueness. Explosions of color as Spring rolls aro... Read more

Coming Storm

poem by John Prophet

Change is happening rapidly. It will only seed up! Humanity’s in the grip of explosive rearrangement. How we handle it will be interesting to watch. Some will get involved, attach it to themselves. Others will pull away no... Read more

Bird Talk

poem by John Prophet

I hear the birds talking to me. Chickadee, Chickadee, Chickadee Dee Dee Dee. This one is telling me his name. As I take my walks with my dog Rosie up by the orchard on the hill, I hear another bird saying thank you, thank you, tha... Read more

They Will Be Diff...

poem by John Prophet

Look at the younger. Look at how they operate, how they Interact. Half by technology half by human. They are different. They are smarter, with instant knowledge at their finger tips. They are different with... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are animals. Civilization, thousands of years in the making. The animal, millions of years in the making. Animal instincts etched into each cell of our being. Survival, procreation, deeply embedded into our s... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Here, we are all here. Don’t know how. Don’t know why. Fact remains, we are all here. Men, women everybody. Look around. What to do? What to do with this brief flash? This brief flash of existence. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The hands spin. Every day. Day after day they spin. Relentless. Morning. Noon. Night. Relentless. Planet spins. Relentlessly it spins. Time spinning, fritting it all away. Can’t be stopped. Can’t hold... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The spirt Of Christmas. Secularism, leaning away from religion. Do not know if there is a god. I believe in a great maker, but don’t believe humanity has a clue. Yet, Christmas Spirit. What is it? I feel it... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Deeply covered. Surrounded. Breathing, eating, dealing. Daily understanding wrapped in local realities. Know nothing more, nothing different. Local time molds reality. Different times different realities. Em... Read more


poem by John Prophet

When they come, what will they see? Organics, animals. A world full of animals. Dirty messy, animals. Animals steeped in instincts, controlling. Animals fighting. Pecking order, fighting for power, control. War, ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Born into the jungle are we. Not, the jungle of old, but a jungle nonetheless. Animal instincts still prevails, motivations still primitive. Driven as before, none diminished. Civilization, a new invention, a n... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Existence, being, thinking. Improbable! All that occurred for being. Thinking, an amazing concept. Understanding improbability. Improbability of being. Improbability of of personal existence. What are the odds? ... Read more

Seeds Of Creation

poem by John Prophet

Lethal. Words, deadly weapons used to attack, hurt, destroy. Words as a cudgle used to control, intimate, dominate. Words, powerful tools to inspire, elevate, create. Words, conveyors of meaning ideas, intent.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

I stare, stare into the flames. Mesmerized. I hear the sound of creation. The snap, crackle, pop of creation. I see embers flying like burning stars spinning in infinity. I see time, present and past, whil... Read more

Ethereal Nature

poem by John Prophet

Essence. Existence undefined. What is seen, not enough. What is thought, incomplete. Essence eternal. Essence flows from one to the next. Essence, substance of the ether. Dwells in a different place. Ethereal, ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The hands spin. Every day. Day after day they spin. Relentless. Morning. Noon. Night. Relentless. Planet spins. Relentlessly it spins. Time spinning, fritting it all away. Can’t be stopped. Can’t hold... Read more


poem by John Prophet

My eyes see. My ears hear. My skin feels. My noes smells My mouth tastes. My brain interprets. Information. It’s all information. Energy. Vibrations. The view. The sound. The breeze. The cupcake. The o... Read more


poem by John Prophet

I see them, clear as day. Smiling. Laughing. Crying. Life etched on their being! As they were. I see them as the were, so many years ago. So many lives embedded on my mind. There, they still live. Slipping away... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Information, data flowing. Flowing through my being. Invisible hands working my mind, Kneading like clay. Shaping, forming what I think. Formatting how I think. Information invasion, out to capture terrain, te... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Time to go. Time is short. A new home awaits. The voyage will be long. Very long. Longer than life. Longer than many many lives. No choice. System failing, star is failing. Solar system failing. No choice! New ho... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Immense! In all aspects immense. Immense without limits. Never ending creation. Creation of possibilities. All possible iterations realized. Creation complex beyond understanding. Beyond the scope of most. Once i... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Gazing. Gazing into the night sky, as billions have done before. Looking into infinity. Contemplating existence, reality. Realizing all on this mote we live, confined. Like a prison, confined. A prison of though... Read more

Vantage Point

poem by John Prophet

Sum of everything. View of things, each unique. Each different. Incomplete. Confined by experience. Confined by the senses. Each different. Within limits each infinite, infinite in possibility. Infinite potential ... Read more

New Age

poem by John Prophet

Old ways. Old ways of thinking. Primitive ways. Thinking derived out of fear, ignorance. Still being believed. A new age, with new ideas, new realities, sweeping it all away. All away In a flash of enlightenment.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

It awakes. Organizing, arranging. Building. Moving evolving. Biology swarming creating. Slowly connects. Components created, improved replaced. Connection. Globally connections. Synaptic network evolves. Denser ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Humanity. Humans talk, communicate. Been doing so since the first grunts. For millennia human sounds have filled the airways. Dissipating in the wind. Humanity expanded, communication expanded. Spoken words, written... Read more


poem by John Prophet

For millennia, its been building for millennia. History, building up over time. Mankind’s story building in the ruins of time. Digging. Digging deep finding layer after layer of mans ancient realities.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Bubbling broth. Raw. Filled raw. Emotional with instinct. Animal instinct. Spiced with attitude, arrogance. Writhing, bubbling, coalescing, searching for equilibrium. Steaming with self importance. Thrashing through t... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Just out of the womb are we. Still in the cradle naive beyond belief. Center of the universe we were. Made in “Gods” image we knew. Now, the veil begins to lift. Looking out of the cradle we ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are fused, fused to reality. The reality we know. Not apart from but integral to. Our vibrations spread out imprinting this realm. Absorbed, our energy is reflected back, we are enveloped in what we a... Read more

Creatio Ex Materia

poem by John Prophet

Eternal or nearly so. We see what we see. Nothing more. We speculate on the rest. Vastness beyond our world, unfathomable. Universe to multiverse to eternal, or nearly so. Universes budding one from anothe... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We live on an orb in the vastness of the void. Here, we are the apex predator. Humanity has risen to the top of the heap. We’ve organized the place as we see fit. Our intellect is unmatched. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Some say we live in a virtual world. A matrix. Our existence, digital. What does that mean? We’re not real? We’re not alive? I think therefore I’m not? How real is real? If virtual here,... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Toggle flipped. Spark of energy, program ignited. Universe born time flashes. Universe begets others. Huge numbers sparking into existence. Waves moving, universes born, live, fade away. Left in the wake. Frozen ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Future you changes everyday. Who you become, who you will be is fluid. We, control the future, our destiny. Every choice made creates a new path, a new future you! Whether you be rich, whether you be poor, ... Read more

Crimson Fog

poem by John Prophet

Sailing through the crimson fog to places never seen. Soaring past strange worlds, stars, galaxies and time, I be. Seeing universes as they once were and yet to be. Sliding through alternate realities se... Read more

First Light

poem by John Prophet

Bright beyond description. Local spacetime begins. Nothing before. Nothing in this realm, others in numbers unfathomable. Dance of creation, spinning into existence. Trillions of years in the making, beginning t... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Waltz of humanity. Spinning. Spinning out of the goo. Landing on our feet. Look around then organize. Organize to survive. Organization requires hierarchy. Hierarchy requires power, power to control. Humanity ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

It’s all in your head. The world, everything, it’s all in your head. All that you know, or think you know. It’s all in your head. Every head its own world. No two worlds alike. Every head i... Read more

Dark Side

poem by John Prophet

Humanities underbelly. A place less visible. Yet, true nonetheless. Why? Why this seedy aspect of human nature? Writhing influence on the soul of mankind. Hidden in the shadows. Pervasive. Bubbling to the fore. ... Read more