John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Exteriors varied. Different colors, different shapes, different sizes. Each unique. Each a universe unto itself. What emanates from within? What can be known about the core? How does the shell move? How does ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are animals. Having the same instincts as any animal. Law of the jungle courses through our veins. Hormones flush clouding judgement, wrecking havoc on reason and intellect. Procreation, self preservation stro... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Why arrogance? Some, believe themselves superior, better than others. Why? Money makes some arrogant. Power makes some arrogant. Birthright makes some arrogant. Arrogance alters perceptions, perceptions of reality. Cr... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Clean slate at birth. Filled up, programed over time. Information force fed, pushed into minds. Created. Created by location, environment. Information from the past. Ancient information told as truth. Whose tr... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Beyond the veil. Covering reality. Shielding our view. Drawn in front all around. Everywhere, controlled. Seeing, knowing only what’s allowed. Opened our eyes, here we are. Where is here? What is here? Is it... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Flowing through space and time. Wandering dimensionally through ethereal realms and back. Sliver of reality we live, oblivious of all that exists. Writhing in the bog, clawing to survive. Looking up looking... Read more

Ethereal Riff

poem by John Prophet

How could it have gone? I see paths, so many paths. Infinite in nature. Twist and and turns, lefts and rights. Fork after fork choice after choice. How to navigate? Where to turn? Each path, unique. Each path ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Position unique. Circled, enclosed. Complicated. Granular, genetic in nature. Designed, evolved. Expansive deep. Covering everything. Learn, takes time. Learn, fail, learn fail some more. No choice, trapped. Terrarium, d... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Step. Step by step. One step at a time. Human limitations. One step at a time. Step by step humanity moves. Moves forward. Arrow of time. Grows. Limited. One human step. No more. Confines of human existence... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Since the first twitch, life’s been on the move. Moving. Always on the move. Growing. Expanding. Evolving. Devouring. Devouring to survive. Kill or be killed. Progress, on the backside of war, conquest.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Like a breath. It comes then it goes. A blink. In a blink. What was young turns old. What was old turns ancient. Irrelevance, pure irrelevance. In a breath, irrelevant. Fleeting sparks. Sparks in the dark. Barely... Read more


poem by John Prophet

What imprint will be left? How will the ether be plucked? How deep will the vibrations be? What’s left behind vibrates through time. Interacts, reflects, deflects. Resonates with all that came before... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Reality, or so I perceive. Choices made. Pathways crisscrossed. Futures not to be. How deep does it go? Is it all I see? Or, is deeper much deeper? Unseen elements. Energy emanating pulsating throughout, throughout ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Wielding power. Power to control, dominate. Used for subjugation. Power used to enrich enhance. Unscrupulous power. Power taken by a few to control the many. Pompous power, mindset superiority. Superiority. T... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Music. Emanating music. In the air, universal music. Vibrating from who knows where? Vibrating from everywhere. I’m here it says. From all corners of creation. Hear the music. Listen hard, it’s ever... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Writhing pulsating creature. Being unto itself. Individuals mere bits, bits of the whole. Spinning interacting pieces. Pieces merging, morphing, evolving. Changing. Pulsating as it goes. Transcending time. Rooted ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Intelligence. Intelligence, trapped by the corporeal. Victim of biology. Held in a vessel full of contradictions. Maelstrom of emotions, chemically Induced emotions. Hormone drenched emotional cross currents, holdi... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Pulsating futures. Directionless futures. Meaningful futures, all together. All at once. Everywhere, everything, every time, all together. All at once. No future, every future together. All at once. Every turn every... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Wake. Every day, awake. Daily routine is joined. As if programmed, the daily routine is joined. Rote activity building. Immersed. Immersed in a deepening milieu, a viscous milieu. Fixed in time and space. Accele... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Time, a dwindling commodity. Precious. Most precious of all. Taken for granted. Daily, increasing in value. Increasing in scarcity. Slipping through the grasp. Cannot be held. Cannot be saved. Cannot be controlled.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Told. God. Is there a god? Don’t know. Know what’s been told. Down through the ages. Passed down. Human beliefs. Those who came before. What did they know? No one knows. Plenty believe, but don’t kno... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Center of all things. Beliefs archaic, simplistic, unfounded. Oblivious to all that matters. Limited in nature and scope. Local beliefs, ideas, small in design. Mind , simple, limited in structure. Sees in small bi... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Staring at the fire, crackling. Dark room candle flicker. Soft classical music. Christmas tree lit. Timeless. Time has no meaning. No meaning at such a moment. Universe disappears outside gone. Only that scene, th... Read more


poem by John Prophet

How to explain, understand? What makes sense, seems logical? What level of understanding even possible? Models needed, scaffolding required. Required to build, hammer out understanding. Needed to explain what is seen... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Barren. Nowhere to go. Limited. Exploration proved limited. Science failed, found no answers. No way to travel beyond local space. Dead planets, hunks of rocks. Clinging to lifeless radiation drenched rocks. Useless. Co... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Spun tight are we. Spun tight in our beliefs. Spun tight in our brainwash. Spun tight in a world awash in ignorance. Dealing with a reality not understood. Convictions evolved to make sense. Make sense of what t... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Fickle. Reality. Such a thing? Slipping in and out. Back and forth. Sliding dimensionally, infinitely so. One realm real as them all. Dance of the Angels never ending. Filling it all with song. The gods be fickl... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Like a rolling wave. Generation after generation marching. Marching to oblivion. Still they come. Conveyor belt of humanity, inexorably crashing on earthen shore. Each drop irrelevant, yet part of larger whole. Eac... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Pheromones wafting, hormones charging. Pulsating energy abounds. The jungle breaths. Rules apply, wound inexorably through countless millennium. Firmly ensconced. Sophisticated ignorance. The animal confused. Confused... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Symbol. Power symbols. Control symbols. Symbols to rally around. Symbols, subjugation, control. Control the unaware. Waving on high, those in control. Moving the masses, distraction, slight of hand. Waving the flag,... Read more

Once Again

poem by John Prophet

Once again it begins. New vista. Strange new vista. Eyes open. Uncertain. Where now? Like a dream the memory fades. What was, receding. Reaching back. Grasping vapors. Ethereal myst of the used to be. Fading.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Life, like a drop of rain sliding down a pane of glass. The day we are born, our timeline begins. Slipstream of of existence rippling like rain on the move. Weaving to and fro, as our timeline extends. Decis... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Insidious. The plan was insidious. Used successfully planet to planet. Slowly taking over. Slow subjugation. The invasion, in no rush. Pieces put in place on a global scale. Predetermined embryos, coded. Coded ... Read more

Deep Time

poem by John Prophet

Deep dark time. falling further and further into the void. Cold time. Colder and colder as it sinks, sinks into something ancient, something timeless. Looking up fading light, never to be se... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Floating I float. I float through existence. Watching things floating by. Swirling currents move, move me along. Dream like I observe what seems to be. Accepting what I see? Wondering. Wondering if deeper realiti... Read more


poem by John Prophet

How would it be different? How will it change? Animal world. We live in animal world. We are animals, built our world as animals would. How could we not? Instincts guide our actions. Procreation, self preservation, ... Read more

Ethereal Mist

poem by John Prophet

The thinness of things, of reality. Wafer thin. Perceived reality. Depth lacking. Not textured. Awareness not textured, not deep. Not nearly enough. Understanding shallow, limited. A vapor in the black. Little to w... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Universal incubation. Crucible of creation. Womb of god. Stars manufacture, elements created, gravity congeals. Planets form, life sparks, intelligence evolves. Link in the chain. Technology develops, evolves ex... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Howl. Into the night, howl. Howl. Howl. Looking out, out into the abyss. Since the first twitch life has been vocal. Howling into the dark. Searching for others. Primal at first. Desirous of contact. Desirous of... Read more

Digital Invasion

poem by John Prophet

Right in front of our eyes. We stare. We stare at screens. All day long, we stare at screens. This is new. This is different, like never before. Glow of information streams, streams to our eyes into our minds. ... Read more