John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Wrapped in a reality. All that we know and understand. Ensconced in this seed. How we behave, what we believe, how we perceive. Born in this place wrapped tight where we are. Reflection of our soul. Opened our... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The clash. Biology calling the shots. Moving the animal. Moving the animal in the intended direction. Coding irresistible forces, forcing compliance. Intricate dimensions to the process. Process of control. Plantin... Read more

The Box2

poem by John Prophet

The box. Placed at birth. Configured as such. Body. Mind. Provided. Environmental download. Filled. Told. What to believe. How to behave. Location dependent. Formed, shaped. Box created. Views, abilities assigne... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Bubbles within bubbles. Existence within bubbles. Everything everywhere in a bubble. All known, all conceived in tiny space, programmed space. Visions of grandeur, visions of control, visions of power all visions ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Outside looking in. Seeing differently, apart from. Observing interactions discerning rules. Questioning motivations. Why? Why things happen as they do. Fish bowl etiquette, rules unique. Rules as to gamesmanship. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Words, packets of thought. Bullets of meaning. From mind to mind transversed. Greatest invention. Without, others never to be. Words as weapons, power to lie, destroy. Words as medicine, power to heal, comfort. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

A time before. Before instant connections. Instant access. Instant entanglement. Knowing others thoughts instantly. Before. Before, silence abounds. Minds encircled in silence. Cocoon. Unique thoughts, personal thoug... Read more

Osiris and Anubis

poem by John Prophet

Gods of distant past. Temples built, prayers, devotions, offerings made. Millions born then die believing. Time moves on, new beliefs emerging. New gods to adore. Evolution of beliefs, mankind’s enduring q... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Eyes, where have they gone? Fixated stares. Focused stares. Mesmerized. Eyes, conduit to the soul. Entrance to the heart. No longer looking out. Seeing others, reality. Cyberspace holds sway. Streaming in, i... Read more


poem by John Prophet

What will we do? How would we cope? At home, myriad ways to organize. Unlimited paths could’ve been followed. A decision here, a different one there, all would be different. Different outcomes played out in... Read more

Passing Through

poem by John Prophet

Passing through. One stop along the way. No beginning. No end. Not one and done! Realm to realm the spirits flow. Resting, observing. Lessons learned. Moving on. Veil through veil. The trip entails. New real... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Some say we’re born, we live, then die. That’s it. One grasp at the brass ring. That’s all. Therefore, do whatever it takes to come out on top. Step on, step over do whatever to win. Why not... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We enter this realm, like a pebble into a pond. Immediately we leave ripples. As we move along, the ripples grow interacting with other ripples an ocean of ripples. Our ripples commingle influence. Cascadin... Read more


poem by John Prophet

A world beyond. Dreamland unbounded. A vision of grander vistas. Vistas unshackled by the senses. Senses that limit our vision, our reach. The senses tell us this is all there is. Five senses dictates! Dictate... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Thoughts swimming in my mind. Swimming side to side. Swimming up and down. Swirling all around. Popping in and out of existence. Coming and going. Thoughts pop out of nowhere out of the ether. Then, returning bac... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The anthropologist came a great distance to observe and study the recently discovered subjects. Nothing was know about them Nothing at all. The anthropologist was anxious to get to work to set up the study. The wo... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are in Hell. We make the best of it, but, make no mistake we are all In hell. Trapped on an orb surround by endlessness. No hope of escape. Look around. Hate, violence, madness, suffering, mayhem, destruct... Read more

Dark Force

poem by John Prophet

It gathers, always been here. Waiting within. Pushing to control. Finding a home in some. Fighting those it can’t control. Weakness, exploits, control, power. Power/technology enough now to control the... Read more

Step Away

poem by John Prophet

Modernity. Technology. Racing head long helter-skelter into the future. Like a runaway train speeding out of control. Historic societal norms breaking apart. What to think, what to believe losing resonance. ... Read more

Sea Monkeys

poem by John Prophet

Everything we know, or think we know, comes from an infinitesimal speck of time and space. “Important” people, just random specks of insignificance. Nothing more than Sea Monkeys, fluttering around ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

One day, eyes open. Open to see what is. Look around. Look to see, see what we are. See where we are. Do what we do. Driven. Driven to to do what we do. Why? Instincts, programmed into our being, our soul. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Look, listen, learn. What’s going on? Writhing existence. Organic world mixing coalescing on all levels. Civilization, humanity, genetic confusion. The experiment turned on. Seer watching no interferen... Read more


poem by John Prophet

In my mind the universe resides. Galaxies, stars, planets all spinning, living in my head. Everything. People places and things, all in my head. Past, present and future holed up in my brain. All that I see f... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Life, it gabs you. Pulls you into this place. Throws you into the deep end of the pool. Determined. Accident of birth. Location determines indoctrination. Force fed nonsense, brainwashed to be who you beco... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Black holes spinning. Radiation pulsing. Explosions Exploding, elements created. Gravity. Gravity collapsing. Collapsing the brew. Creations cauldron, mixing coalescing creating. Creators spark ignited. Ignited ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

A world spinning furiously. Beings popping in and out of existence. Generations morphing on the fly. Evolving, changing. Pulsating biology, to an end. Creating. Creating something new. Something different. La... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We oozed out of this place. A place formed by dust, rock and gravity. Born we were into the infinite void, opened our eyes and here we are. How strange. Now what? Civilization as it is, hasn’t a clue.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Shimmer. Spinning. Mixing. Revolving time. All time blended. Interactions betwixt and between. Events alter perceptions. Decision fluctuations, shimmer the orb. Alter the whole. Infinite shimmering orb. Reflecti... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The beauty of it all. Pulling something from nothing. Nurturing the created. Molding it shaping it. The song the art the science. All teased from the ether. All born into existence by consciousness. Without c... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Majestically it spins. Eons in place. One of countless. Silently reflecting, glistening in the void. Dance of the worlds graceful silence, choreography of the cosmos. All spinning, dancing to creations music... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Casting off the shores, bound for faraway lands. Setting sail on dark seas, uncertain, unknown the travails that await. Crew steeled for adventure exploration fame glory. No turning back. Humanity depart... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Speck of existence. Beyond insignificant. Floating. Floating in infinity. Infinity within infinities. Unseeable, unknowable. Specks on a a speck are we. Regarded not by the void. Destine to blink out of exi... Read more

It Is All In Your...

poem by John Prophet

What are you? Look in a mirror. What do you see? Do you see you? Or do you see an edifice, scaffolding, a facade? Do you see just a vehicle, a mode of transportation? Do you see what you are? Can you see ... Read more

Creations Music

poem by John Prophet

Multiverse. Music of infinity. Resonates, each resonates its own music, sound. Each verse vibrates its own unique tone, music. Music that wells up from within. Each vibrates uniqueness. Uniqueness due to all ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Need to step back. Wound tight we are. spun up from birth. Force fed all we know. Everything we know from one tiny place. One mote of spacetime. Self important are we. Self important we think. Controlling, ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Coded. Billions year march. From the beginning to now. Formulation. Evolution. Ingredients baked in. Seeds created, planted. All things known. Programed. From the beginning. Evolving. DNA code. Computer code. Cr... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Is what we do all there is? Do we create the universe in our minds? Are our ways the only ways? Are the ways of this world the only ways of sentient existence? Are we the crucible for future Univer... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Free will an illusion. Free, limited only. Programmed to a path, course of actions predetermined! Endless choices, genetically constrained. Aggressive by nature, or timid be. Anything in between. Choices constr... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Time, it moves. It moves into nothing. Nothing at all. Tomorrow is nothing. Can’t touch it, smell it, or see it. Tomorrow’s just a concept, not tangible. Time, once past leaves vapor, ghosts ... Read more

Never Born

poem by John Prophet

Where are they? All those who never were. All those never born. Many reasons. War. Millions killed. Millions more never born. Whole lines of family future, poof. Generation after generation, poof. Never to be... Read more