John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

It’s all baked, baked into the equation. Human civilization genetically organized. Organized as prescribed in DNA. DNA code. The code that controls who, what we are, what we do. Procreation, self pres... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Time, one big orb. Past. Present. Future. all touch all connect passing information around. As decisions occur, new future outcomes are created. A new future you is born. Information of the new future you, your fut... Read more


poem by John Prophet

They came from within. Predetermined embryos, coded, inserted, born. Grew to the world they now inhabit. Learning at the granular level. Observed, information stored for future study. Years pass, totally Integrated... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Locked in time. Prisoners. Prisoners each to their own epoch. Choice. No choice. Conform, live as the time dictates. No choice. Look at their faces! Dealing. Dealing best they can with what’s been handed. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We have been taught. We have been programed. The veil grows thicker over our eyes. Our senses are limited. We see very little. Remove the veil. Think past what you were taught. Break the cocoon you’ve been ... Read more

Little Minds

poem by John Prophet

Look into their eyes. Eager, wanting to know. Wanting to know what they got themselves into. Fresh faces, years before the first wrinkle. Blank slates hanging on our every word. Each time, a clean slate ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Back in time. Staring back they are. Wondering about the Ancients they do. Wondering about those who came before. Deep history exploring. Digital archeology, searching. Searching for the Genesis planet. Ancestor ... Read more

End Of Time

poem by John Prophet

I see a place with starless skies. I see a dark smooth world endlessly afloat in the black, its star long since blinked out. Covered with small closely spaced geodesic domes. Geodesic domes all interconnected, al... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Immersed in a medium. As figures in a painting. Limited in nature. Rules must be followed. Like an aquarium or a terrarium. Movement limited. Finite in nature. The medium inhabited, fluid. The medium four D... Read more

Mona Lisa

poem by John Prophet

See the Mona Lisa, now reverse the flow. Her image fading away. In flows through the brush then straight to the arm, past neural pathways, beaming back to the brain. Chemicals flow, electricity sparks. Poof, t... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Horizon. History, past to present. Archaic to modernity. Upside down. Growth, exponential. Knowledge compounding. Technology circling the globe. Gazing, viewing the beginning. Revelations daily. Building on yes... Read more


poem by John Prophet

How it changes as time flows on. All that we know we discover we don’t. More knowledge begets less understanding. I dance on a precipice. The edge of knowledge knowing I’ll never reall... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Gazing out into space, into infinity. I wander, my mind wanders. I see vistas. New, different vistas to explore. Where have I been? Where will I go? Light fades. Existence vaporizers, leaving this realm for the ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Deep into the bowels of existence I look. Deep into time. Deep into substance. Deep into reality I stare. Others stare back. Others looking. Throughout time. Others looking for answers. Answers into why. Why is t... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Echoes! Faint echoes abound. Ghosts in the ether. Faint, subtle. Barely discernible. Information never lost yet nearly so. The void, filled with echoes, forever. Echoes of once was. Echoes filled with civilizatio... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Horizon. History, past to present. Archaic to modernity. Upside down. Growth, exponential. Knowledge compounding. Technology circling the globe. Gazing, viewing the beginning. Revelations daily. Building on yes... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Humanity is infected. Infected with malice. Infected with hate. Infected with fear! Infected with Ideas of difference. Thoughts of exclusion. We come to existence the same way. Born with clean slates. Once born... Read more


poem by John Prophet

DNA, computer code. It dictates all. Gender, physical features. Personality, intellect everything! Instinct, how does a baby know to suckle at birth? Instinct? What’s that? It’s coded to know. Just l... Read more

I Fear Not

poem by John Prophet

As I leave this world, I worry not. I’ll simply move on to the next. I’ve been to many places will be to many more. What we see is not all there is. Realms upon realms there truly be. Existence ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We who walk this world, who are now alive. Trapped! We are trapped. Trapped in ourselves, trapped on this rock. We live, we think, we die. What to do? What do we do while we’re here? Trapped in our exist... Read more


poem by John Prophet

It will be painful, generational. Hard to keep up. The old will resist fight the loss of their world. Change will be blinding, the fabric of civilization fraying turning to dust. Everything known will be ob... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Jockeying for position. Defining pecking order. Defining power. Sea of motion. Pushing for control, supremacy. Carving out a place for survival. Quagmire of resistance. Humanities dance of existence. Has always ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Look around. A world designed. Billions of years in the making. Fine tuned, made perfect. Flowing water. Warm temperatures. Sustainable. Look around a world designed. All things made came from Gaia. All things ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Souls. Countless souls have past this way. Appearing out of nowhere. Heading to the same. Volume of spacetime inhabited. Briefly. Morphing biology. Evolving matter, energy. Orb of genesis spinning in oblivi... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The other side. It happened. In a flash. Event horizon crossed. Singularity A.I melding. Brains connected, all connected. Gaia born, global brain, intelligence all connected uploaded. Cloud, all now live in the c... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Ascent of mankind. From the deep forest of Europe, to the Serengeti in Africa. Man evolved. From the great cities of Europe through the deep cultures of Asia. Good vs Evil. Rocket fuel propelling things along.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Beyond the seeable. It awaits. Around the bend it hides, plotting. Over the horizon the trend disappears, where unknowable resides. Today, not guaranteeing tomorrow, not resembling the soon to be. Trave... Read more

Energy Fields

poem by John Prophet

Energy fields. Matter, energy, opposite sides of same. One to the other, then back again. Oscillation, frequency, pulsating energy fields. Endless seas. Energy seas. Material realms. Virtual realms. One in th... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Is there a God? Big question! I do not know. No one knows. I do know, however, there is a creator. I look around, what do I see? I see things, created things. I see created things. A creator does not ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Into the world tossed. We are tossed. No say, no say at all. Landing, eyes open. Anywhere, anyone, anytime. No say. Tossed into reality. How many times? How many places? How many challenges to face, endure? How... Read more


poem by John Prophet

How deep? How long? Looking. Looking Into your soul. How long dare you stare? How deep before you are lost? Lost in It’s infinity. Will you return changed. Will you return at all dare you go too de... Read more

The Well

poem by John Prophet

The mind. Like a well. Thoughts, ideas materialize filling up the space. Creative ideas taking root grow leafing out. Nooks and crannies bulging ripe with fruit. Needing to be released, released to a diffe... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Religion is power, control, nothing more. Talking to God. Great power! In the name of God. Power to control. Power to build. Great cathedrals. Power to destroy. Populations eradicated. Control the masses. Subjug... Read more


poem by John Prophet

When the body crumbles, where does the essence go? Does it simply dissipate, disappear into the ether? Ethereal in nature, never to return? Does it move to a different realm, existing in another form? ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Everything will die. Then what’s the point? What’s the point to life? Why life? Why live at all? I think therefore I die. Was I here to learn, to experience? Was I here by chance, kismet? I... Read more

Hot Summer Night

poem by John Prophet

Crickets sounding their enchanting sound. Peeper choruses from the pond, finely tuned, while Bullfrogs barup their baritone song. Swooping bats devouring, warm breezes dancing. Owl hoots deep in the woods. Coyotes h... Read more


poem by John Prophet

I saw a women in a video. She was old walking slowly. The Video was seventy years old. It was made in Berlin after the war. Smashed buildings everywhere, smashed lives too. Where she was headed, I had no idea. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Immersed in fog are we. Spirits moving. Moving in uncertainty. Sprung up from fog. Basic reality quantum uncertain. Sprung up from nothing, nothing at all. Spirits are we, spring up from, then falling back into noth... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Hand on the wall, creation complete. Mouth full of pigment, sprayed on the hand. Artist signature for the eons to observe. I was here the artist shouts out. You don’t know who I am, but, I was he... Read more


poem by John Prophet

I watch, it shines, golden in its reflections. It rises, bathing all in its splendor. I see it all clearly now. A gift beyond understanding. Years of knowledge accumulating. Days flip over, one after another.... Read more