John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Creation. Self is creation. Without self, there is nothing. Without self, nothing exists. Without self, nothing to know. No awareness. No past, no present, no future. Nothing. Without self, nothing would be everyt... Read more

God No God

poem by John Prophet

God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say no. What’s the point? Who cares? No one has proof, no proof whatsoever. No proof either way. “Faith”! Faith is a weasel word. What’s said w... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Wonderment. What’s going on? Why anything? Limited capabilities. What’s the point? Why bother? Wonderment. Wonderment with the unknowns. All around infinite unknowns. Looking out. Reaching up. Infini... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Digital breeze. Moving shaping, sculpting. Reality, wafting in the wind. Digital breath swirling caressing, modified. Landscape altering. Magic breath of the creator. Digital genesis. Digital breeze ever present. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Estrangement. Severed. Cleaved, past from the here and now. Flopping. Flopping as it fades away. Smaller now. Memory dims. Pain lifts. Ceasing to exist. Never happened. Different future. Shifting. Shifting cou... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Gauntlet. From birth to death. The gauntlet run. Staying alive, ancient course once laid out. Running the gauntlet. From physical to mental obstacles evolved. Survival of t... Read more

Performance Art

poem by John Prophet

Barren, devoid of soul. Black and white. Lifeless. Nothing to see. Artists required, pallet in hand, medium infinite. Painting reality. Imagining the art. Each decision. Each thought. a stroke, a stroke of the ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Teetering. Humanity on the edge. Pace has quickened. Accelerating change, overwhelms. Inundating the senses. Power surges, crisscrossing the globe. Generations apart like never before. Fractures, tears in the mos... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Dark. Dark forces await. Align. Lust for power innate. Innate in some. Some less scrupulous souls. History replete with examples. Humanity racked with war. Throwing stones, to dropping nukes. New dark actors e... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Perceptions. Understanding. View of things. Processing. Processing input. Informational input. Capable. Only so capable. Processing unit provided, only so capable. Limitations. Severe limitations. Like a do... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Scope. Scope of existence, reality. Personal reality. Like fish in a pond. No concept of the whole. Of what’s around. Living in slice, a pond. Instincts created, adjusted. Adjusted for the pond. Derived... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Coursing. Coursing through existence. Eyes open, journey begins. Starting point determined. Accident of birth. Genetics laid out. Accident of birth. Path? To be determined. Who we become will be the result. The r... Read more

Being There

poem by John Prophet

Being. Simply being. Awareness of being. Consciousness of being. Why? Why being at all? Luck of the draw? Decisions made by ancestors? Lineage to now, nothing more? Merely thinking animals, designed to f... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Culmination. All just culmination. Modernity. Reflection. Reflecting countless decisions, choices. Ancient choices. Recent choices. Choices made by others. Others long dead. All played a part. Essence, still in ... Read more

Thought Machine

poem by John Prophet

Thought Machine. From out of nowhere they come. Not here then here. Pop into existence into reality. Many simply fade away. Some become. Some materialize. Solidify. Occupy space. From ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Formulaic. Life. Reality as designed. Everything, formula derived. Mathematics, algorithms unfathomable, deeply employed. Created. Universal designs. Infinite variations worked. Worked into each realm. Evo... Read more

Brain Grip

poem by John Prophet

Grip. Mind grip. Consciousness encased. Encased within. Corporeal facade. Il­lusion. Clouds of consciousness. Each plugged In. Quantum clouds of potential. Endless fluctuations of probabilities. Foam of reality.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Book. Book of existence. Flipping pages. Bookkeeper watching, noting. Much to observe. Page upon page the ledger is built. Reality unfolds. New pages materialize, old ones dissipate, fade away. Fade into obliv... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Levels. From one to the next. Natural flow. Portal through. Learning. Learning reality level by level one at a time. Portal flow. Journey self dIrected. Choice of direction. Decisions based. Once level compl... Read more


poem by John Prophet

0.07874016. Thickness. Human skin. 0.07874016 inches thick. Indictment. Indictment on humanities lack of depth. Shallow mind, primitive thinking. Hung up, can’t see through 0.07874016. Insurmountable barrier... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Altering. Pathways adjusted, rerouted. What was no more. Time. Constant tinkering. Circuits plastic being reworded, re-wired. Experiences add up. Tweaking perception. Tools, evolving attitudes. Time. Takes... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Straws. Grasping at straws. Time immemorial, humanity has been grasping at straws. How to explain, understand? Understand the place they find themselves. Concepts from a mote. Science. Religion. Philosophy. Att... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Become. What? What we become. Past evolved slowly. Generation after generation much the same. Eons of sameness. Verbal generation. Information mouth to mouth. Generation to generation. Predictable. Acce... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Granite. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. Daily routine. Pounded. Chiseled. Formed. What becomes. Years in the making. What once was no more. Earlier versions ignorant. Incomplete. Uninformed. Sage wisdom accumul... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Valley of the dark. From one rim to the next. Sojourn. Navigation from one side to the next. Fraught with peril. Valley deep, dark. Serpents full. Journey fraught with peril. No choice. From one rim to ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Owned. Unaware. Information! Information flowing. Grabbing. Holding attention. Shifting perceptions. Warping attitudes. Mind control, global mind shaping. Unaware! Technology holding, grabbing control, causin... Read more

Always Was

poem by John Prophet

“Always was, always will be.” Universe within multiverse. Multiverse within infinity. Never ending cycle. Universes begetting universes. Being born, fading away. Infinities begetting infinites. Never en... Read more

Blue Marble

poem by John Prophet

Blue Marble. Terrarium! A terrarium really. That’s all it is. Around only void. Birth place. Consciousness, conduit. Great and small, all the same. From a distance all the same. Blue Marble. Compend... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Great or not. Those who were once, are no more. Firefly blink. Deep woods firefly flash. Most unnoticed, nothing left behind. Majesty and grandeur, mere dust in the breeze. Self important, indulgence. Self impor... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Grand scheme. Grand truth. Grand wisdom. What’s known? Broad proclamations. Knowledge spouters. Blurry thoughts. False wisdom. False visions abound. Truth sayers. Experts all! Experts, charlatans laying down ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Technology erasing, folding, shaping. Viewpoints created, canceled. Heads in the cloud. Losing perspective. Fading away. Tech zombies. Constant influence attached to the face. The soul. Views erased, dictated, f... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Vortices. Life. Existence. Energy vortex. All, vibrations, fluctu­ations. Oscillating in a field. Field of never ending vibrations, energy. Base level quantum foam phasing in and out of realities. Dancing, pu... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Realms within realms. Within realms. Cascading, flowing realities. Never ending. Reality begets reality. Layered, fractals. Above, below, sided by side. Each a cosmos unto itself. Infinite multi realms. Fin... Read more


poem by John Prophet

All. All human endeavor. Millions of years in the making. All who ever lived. Great works of art, literature, music. All conquerors, great and small. All the great minds. All known intellect. All religions. All wh... Read more

Power Lust

poem by John Prophet

Power. Weakness. Seductive force. Seductive control. Overwhelming lust. Lust for control lust for power. Power at all costs. The ends justify the means. Blinding. Preys on weak minds. Weak souls. Easily c... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Emergence. Strange brew. Spinning. Mixing. Heating. Eons in the making. From plasma to gas, then stars, elements, dirt then life. Much more In between. Code book outlines. Stew in the pot. Recipe laid down long... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Sprites in the machine. Counting out infinite realities. Infinite possibilities. Sprites, existing cross realms. Wafting effortlessly betwixt and between. Sprites eternal, pausing for a while. Etching out time. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Uncertainty! Long ago. Infinite time. Instructions loaded. Yet, uncertainty reigned. Undulating, probabilities. Base level possibility. Probability. All arose from mere probability. Never ending nothingness. Fluctuat... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Designed we’ve been. Emerged from the goo. Created for one purpose. One job. The reason for existence? Create the replacement. Provided with enough processing power for that... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Grid. Systems in place. Circling the globe. Overhead. Underneath. All around. Grip tightens. Mind grabbing, strangling the soul. Free will denied. Canceled. The grid reaches. Reaches into the mind. Asimov’... Read more