John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Synergy. Interactions. Touches. Cross currents. Stuff of change. Lubricant of evolution. Driving force moving forward. Towards the future. Interactions, change engines synergy creating. Touches. Accelerat... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Clay. Clay People. Malleable. Time/location sculpts. Shapes. Forms. Dictates. Anyone, anything. Easily manipulated, controlled. Time/location, determines. Determines what we be. Who we are! Hunter/gatherer. Greek... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Strangeness. Look. Look around. What the hell. What’s going on? Accepting what’s seen, what’s said. Flicker of existence. Firefly flash. What’s the point? Screaming headlong. Coming t... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Packaging. What’s outside. Wrapping, covering, hiding. Packaging. Different sizes, shapes, colors. Some shiny Some dull. Some simple. Some complex. No two alike. Packaging irrelevant covering. Shielding wh... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Product. Designed as such. Milled and honed. Hammered into shape. Devised in flame. Cooled by earth, and water. Molded into form. Programmed. Environmentally coded. Created in a tempest. Behaving as such. Battlin... Read more

Personal Formatio...

poem by John Prophet

Exploration. Life’s journey, circuitous. Lessons along the way. Molding, developmental lessons. Chiseling formation. Personal psyche forms. Created, journey created. Different choices different outlooks. Diff... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Nothing. Nowhere to be found. Void of life everywhere. Empty smoothness. Universe void, sterile, motionless, dead. Where are they, the civilizations? Few and far between? Too far to see? Temporal disconnect? Once ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Moments. Life. Life can be a slog. Brutal to endure. Pain and sorrow accumulates. Adding up over time. Bending people to its will. However, there are moments. Moments when life lightens. Moments of great j... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We enter this realm empty. Empty of beliefs. Then filled. Filled with beliefs. Filled with others’ beliefs. Filled with past beliefs. Poured like water into an empty glass. Those who came before. Filled with ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Control. Global control. War. Technolgy, the weapon. Mindless. Mindless control. Navigating the mind. Surging throughout. World on the run. Under attack. Folds of the brain, battlefield. Constant attack technology, ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

As the world goes insane, I look within. Maelstrom surrounds, I look within. Turn off the noise, quiet the sound, settle the mind. Quiet vistas abound, within. Whole worlds await. Turn off the noise, settle the soul... Read more

Song Cosmic

poem by John Prophet

Song cosmic! Song of the heavens. Deep meaning. Culmination of all things, times, events. Each rippling, echoing resonating. Cosmic harmony. Piece by piece the symphony built. Rich tones. Subtle sounds resonate... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Creating. Future, unfolding. Path building, future building. Near future, immediately in front. Architects are we building the future. Starting points differ, mechanics the same. Decisions large or small alter the co... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Mind, body, projection. Thoughts welling up from within. Information welling up from within. Releasing. Information materializing from within. Releasing to the ether. Into the void. Exchanging. Communication. Inform... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Time. Dropped in. Conform. Takes shape, no choice. Epoch. Different, each different. Take shape within. Flowing, within. Believing within. With each epoch, conform, live. No choice, survive, adjust, conform. Shape... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Oblivion. Oblivion bookends. Life is what happens in between. Not from dust to dust. Oblivion to oblivion. What was before? What will be after? Oblivion. Life, but a placeholder between. Light between darkness. Li... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Power, seducer of souls. Power, contorts, warps, controls minds. Enslaves, addictive, perspective lost. Any cost power. Power, weapon of control. Power, the few controlling the many. Power, the ends justify ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Stars shine. Planets spin. Mechanical in nature. Mechanical universe. Unyielding in purpose. No fear. No pain. Cares not, just is. Cold burning reality. Life. Somehow life. Propagate. Covering evolving, expa... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Choice. Knowledge is choice. Choice begets knowledge. Believe. What to believe? Knowledge attained is not without sacrifice. Not without suffering. Not without pain. The tree. The apple. The snake. Knowledge. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Through this realm we do pass. Journey of uncertainty it be. Journey fraught with peril, instinct. Animal instinct dictate, guide the way. Programmed to preform. Perform as designed. Instinct code. Free will illusi... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Through the ether sailed. Repeated trips, sailing. Many iterations. Many thoughts. Many reflections. Unique. Unique voyages. Unique experiences. Infinite variations. Infinite selves. Sailing infinitely. Never ending sa... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Energy. Fields of reality. Fields of energy. Fields of truth. All existence energy. Fluctuating. Uncertainty. Existence uncertain, fluctuating. Reality uncertain. Truth uncertain. All possibilities exist simultaneo... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Unknown. Hidden. Truth. Hidden from view, from consciousness. Sleep walking mist clouding. Sleep walking programmed. Tunnel view. Following directions. Oblivious. Out off sight, touch, reach. limited. Truth, beyon... Read more


poem by John Prophet

How many? Levels of reality. Levels of existence. How many? Veil obscures. Time after time. Spinning, time after time. Separate no knowledge, one from the next. Countess iterations. Countless times. Forward and ba... Read more


poem by John Prophet

From the beginning. Sentence and verse. Forged in fire. Forged in kiln. Cosmic kiln. Cosmic fire. Crucible of creation. Story written, coded. Sentence and verse. Laws and rules, coded. Coded in the fabric of creat... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Howling. Fire dance. Embers mingle. Mingle with the stars. Primal fear. Primal night screams. Fire dance. Making sense. Making sense of things. Fear, unknown why? Why anything? Howling into the dark. Tribal unison. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Voices, sounds rising, pulsating. Radiating. Radiating through the firmament. Grand and small. Echoes. Echoes from the beginning. Eons of noise, sound song. Song announcing. Announcing existence, being. Song crossin... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Consciousness. Sentient. Amazement. To be. Accepting what is sensed. Accepting it’s material. What is sensed to be material. Energy stimulus. Vibrations. Universe of energy, vibrations, radiation. Conscious ene... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The past, myth. How things were. What was thought. History, built on Itself. Archaic thought, held high as truth. Misty past, cloaked in mystery, superstition, fear. Deep past shrouded in Ignorance. Shrouded in ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

From afar. Approaching from afar. A distant place. A different place. Slowly moving. Moving toward an unknown. Small, so small it seems from afar. Moving closer, seeing more. Strange. Different, alien. Closer still... Read more


poem by John Prophet

When will it end? I do not know. I do not care. Each moment a miracle. Each moment a universe. Enjoy every snowflake, every sunset, every bird song. Infinite in nature. Not to be missed. Focus. Focus on all, all... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We are custom made. Custom made for this place, from this place. What we know, who we are, what we think, indigenous. Springing up from the core, squeezing through the rocks, out of the mud. Primordial scream! ... Read more

The Machine

poem by John Prophet

The machine, billions of years in the making. Our very being to the molecular level fabricated, wired, controlled. Controlled by the machine, the system. Fabricated, simply fabrications are we by the system. Like ... Read more

The Machine

poem by John Prophet

The machine, billions of years in the making. Our very being to the molecular level fabricated, wired, controlled. Controlled by the machine, the system. Fabricated, simply fabrications are we by the system. Like ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

View of things. How we perceive. How we think. Our senses, are they enough? Enough to know truth? Enough to know the true nature of things, true extent of creation on all its levels? As constituted, is the animal... Read more

Magic Orb

poem by John Prophet

Floating orb, magic orb, floating in nothingness. Inanimate dead rock, floating In the void. Forever floating In the cold. Magic rock. Squeezing. Squeezing from within. Squeezing, oozing, bubbling. Bubbling up. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Form. Function. Shape of things. How shaped determines function, form, ideas. Bad shape, bad form. Bad ideas, bad function. Shape of things. Things to come. Form creates function. Creates reality. All play off o... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Global collectivism. Swirling thought infection, swirling thought evolution. Cross pollination pregnant with purpose. Genetics mixing. Verbal discourse mixing. Small or great matters naught mixing. Creating different... Read more

The Voice

poem by John Prophet

Vibrations, excitation moving through. Soaring high. Fanning over all. Over all to hear, to feel. Sad. Happy. Emotions. Ripples in the air. Meaning, interpreted meaning as the voice continues. Wafting over rivers, ... Read more