John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Perhaps it’s all an illusion. A trick. A trick of smoke and mirrors, misdirection, slight of hand. Look over there while it’s happening over here. Time and energy wasted. Wasted on nonexistent reality, ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

We come in, an empty vessel. A dry sponge. Absorbing all in our sphere. Attitudes, ideas, beliefs. Different locations. Different beliefs. Gospel. All taken as gospel. Why? Why different areas different beliefs? ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Firmly griped. Griped in what’s around. Griped by the code. Where we are. Internal instinct gripping what is done. Programmed. Coded for function. Controlled by code. Do what’s done, coded as such.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Reality. Potential. Reality, merely potential. Bubbling up. Bubbling up from the imperceptible. Bubbling up from uncertainty. Fluctuations. Infinite fluctuations. Infinite reflections of potential. Creation, a ref... Read more


poem by John Prophet

What to believe? What is truth? Depends. Depends on who you talk to. Different truths. Different lies. All truth, no truth. Small truth. Confusion. No one knows. There is no truth. No understanding, only confusion... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Music of the void. Sounds emanating from the ether. Celestial vibrations. Vibrating, uniting. Uniting everything, everywhere. All connected. Immersed. All immersed in the same waters. Infinite ocean of sound, ... Read more

As I Write

poem by John Prophet

Moment. As I write, the moment passes. Sliding behind, never to return. As I write history created. History being built. Frozen in the past. Memorialized, falling. Falling into the past. Fading. Fading, like all ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Picture yourself among the stars. You are moving very fast. Where are you going? Billions of stars moving by you instantly. Ever wonder what is out there? You pass no more stars. What is it you see? Galaxy! Pict... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Future. Trend of life. Decisions made. Different decisions. Different trends. Different futures. Decisions made, feed back loop. Time encapsulated. The past, the present, the future all touch. Are all connected, inter... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Deep within. Welling. Welling up from deep within. Conduit of expression. Vessel. Soul of creation. From the beginning. Countless souls reaching. Reaching out, expressing. Screaming. Screaming out to be heard, to be... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Coming. It’s coming. Not if, when. What will it see? Animals. Biological animals. Obsessed animals. Sex and violence. Hormone driven animals. How have we behaved? Like animals. Civilization hormone sc... Read more

Sliding Continuum

poem by John Prophet

Ever changing. Progressing through. Progressing thought. Sliding scale. Evolving progression. Subtle development. Imperceptible changing reality. Perception altering. Building cognition, evolving self. Sliding scal... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Medium. Lump of clay. Block of marble. Scalpel, chisel, hammer, evolution. Tools of the trade. Vision of purpose. Goal. Something from nothing, or so it would seem. Final results, work in progress. Evolving, alw... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Field surrounds permeates, penetrates. Existence within. Field flowing, timespace influenced. Energy vibrates, vibrates throughout. Energy ripples personal energy personal ripples radiating. Positive energy negative ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Time, it’s running out. The way things were will be no more. Tribes will vanish, blend. Thinking aligns. Technology sculpts. Individualism fades. Mind transformed, altered, aligned. Subtle. Alignment subtl... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Ghost like. Ghost like passing through. Reality within. Within the fog perceived. Haze of reality. Encompasses all. All possibilities. All realities. Transmitting all. Waves of potential, probability. Quantum fog... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Wonderment. Understanding lacking. Why? Existence. Why? How? How to explain, understand? Spinning in reality. Trying to make sense. Good. Evil. Dwelling in the soul. Why? How to explain? Manifestations of the ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The odds. What are the odds? What are the odds of being? Existence, life, sentience. Being alive. What’s the likelihood? Universe formation. Solar formation. Planet formation. Life formation. Personal formation.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The odds. What are the odds? What are the odds of being? Existence, life, sentience. Being alive. What’s the likelihood? Universe formation. Solar formation. Planet formation. Life formation. Personal formation.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Eyes focused. Drilling down, down into the tiny. Gazing out, out into the infinite. Searching. Climbing mountains, crossing continents. Landing on the Moon. Searching. Contemplating. Delving into the soul. Pl... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Who’s to say? Who’s to say what is, or, what isn’t? Who’s right about anything, everything? Who has the answers to all the questions? Who makes the rules that all must follow? What mak... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Decisions made. Paths chosen. Calculations. Impacts of choice. Ramifications. All calculated. Personally calculated. Think out, stumble into. Futures decided. Calculated. Flawed calculations. Flawed results. Controls ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

How else could it be? Human dynamics pegged. In a box. Global dynamics. Programmed, predetermined. Choreographed. Genetically choreographed. How else could it be? Humanity programmed. Genetically designed. Programm... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Decisions made. Paths chosen. Calculations. Impacts of choice. Ramifications. All calculated. Personally calculated. Think out, stumble into. Futures decided. Calculated. Flawed calculations. Flawed results. Controls ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Intelligent life. Alone? Other worlds? Universe! Ninety one billion light years across. Universe! Two trillion galaxies. Hundreds of billion stars per galaxy. Galaxies billions of light years distant. Light ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Being, inside the box. Being, outside the box. Inside finite. Outside infinite. Box defined. Defined as knowledge. Defined as capacity. What’s known inside. What’s unknown outside. Capacity to fathom ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Connection, vibrations. Waves of vibrations, energy throughout existence. Consciousness. Music as consciousness. Universal. Vibrations throughout. Music universal. Organization, conscious realignment. Waves of energ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Corporeal. Encased. Trapped within. Separated from universal. Imprisoned. Sentenced. Serving time. Serving corporeal time. Time in the finite. Time in the restricted. All serving time. All suffer through. Separat... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Authority. Power. Control. Levels of each. Pecking orders. Global Control. Vacillating levers pulled. Looking down. Watching. Watching development. Spacial authority. Terrarium control. Observed. Watching the watch... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Important little things. Scurrying. Scurrying around. Acting out. Delusions of grandeur. Deadly serious. Jockeying for position. Stepping over, on. Win at all costs. Ends justifies the means. Self important l... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Reality, a written book, movie on the screen. Existence, potentiality ether, bubbles up fully formed. Fully baked, scripted. Sequences created, events yet to be perceived. Truth, written sheets between covers, c... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Here. Eyes opened. Look around. First day on the path. Mind clear. Process begins. Pumping. Information. Information pumped in through the senses. Birth location colors the input. Future beliefs planted by bias... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Blinking in. Blinking out. Brief flash of existence. Infinite scales abound. Time and space. Always was. Always will be. Human scale negligible. Firefly blink. Here today gone tomorrow. Purpose? Point? None ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Surging. Tech surging. Coursing through minds. Inducing minds. Grabbing. Controlling. Altering. Altering behavior. Eyes wide open. Poison pouring in. Technology pouring in. Divisive. Manipulating. Brainwashing. Zomb... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Moment in time. Proof. Proof of existence. Each moment a testament, a slide from a movie, a slice of experience. Lived, loved, died. Lived lives, suffered, exalted lived. Moment in time, proof. Gone. Time has p... Read more


poem by John Prophet

It vaporizes. The past just fades. Fades away, like water when a wave passes. It’s remembered or so thought. Memories hold, reinforce. Yet, the past no longer exists. No longer tangible. It’s gone. Li... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Stand. Sit. Kneel. Repeat. Believe. Believe what’s told. Believe religion, or eternal life is denied. Power control. Institutions of power, control. Government. Religion. The few telling the many what to ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Harmonious. One with creation. Piece of the puzzle. Unsure. Unsure what part. Creation within, beating within. Coursing through each created part. Part of the puzzle. Part of the whole. Placement unknown unsure.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Diffuse. Expand. Absorb. The soul part of a larger whole. Extending through time and space. Connects all to all. Extending to infinity. Listen. Listen intently. Clear the clutter surrounding. Listen to the tone, the ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Perception. View. Belief. Developed, evolved on this little rock. Small view local perception. Rhetoric. Views local, limited. Finite. Finite infinitesimal knowledge formulation held high. Held high as universal tr... Read more