John Prophet


City: Boston


Olivia Fletcher commented on John Prophet's poem, Hive Mind on May 18, 2024 at 12:49am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:58am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:57am.
John Prophet updated their profile on Apr 08, 2024 at 11:53am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Mind Trap on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:28pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Quantum Vibrations on Aug 04, 2023 at 12:26pm.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, Structure on Aug 03, 2023 at 7:29am.
Rosa Winters commented on John Prophet's poem, Opinion on Jun 26, 2023 at 8:55pm.
John Prophet commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Dear Future Husband on Jun 23, 2023 at 5:15pm.


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poem by John Prophet

Cycles. Spiraling cycles. Infinite cycles. Evolving cycles. Deep past, cycling through careening forward. Careening into that never to be seen. Rhythm of things. Cycles of rhythm. Infinite’s music foreve... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Different. Things are different. Like never before. Connections. Like never before. Technology weaving through. Touching all. Like never before. Reverberating. Coursing through minds. Influencing, controlling, alter... Read more

Self Reflection

poem by John Prophet

For all to see. It’s there for all to see. Reflection of human nature. Watching. Raw, uncivilized animal. Violent animal for all to see. Reflection. Self reflection, nature of the beast. All else pales. Pa... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Motivation. Spark. Creation. Magic, like magic. Inanimate to the animate. Cosmic stew. Mixing, coalescing cosmic stew. From nothing to the animate. Consciousness. From nothing to consciousness. Cosmic stew mixing ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

What to believe? Who to believe? Why to believe? Truth is fluid, undefined. Who’s truth? Lies all lies. No truth just opinion. Uninformed fluid opinion. Narratives, agendas as ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Mathematical construct. Existence, consciousness embedded. Embedded within. Milieu. Fabrication, mathematical fabrication. Uncertainty. Complex beyond measure. Milieu. Infinite milieu. Infinite milieus. Embedded. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Fading! Technology erasing, folding, shaping. Viewpoints created, canceled. Heads in the cloud. Losing perspective. Tech zombies. Constant influence attached to the face. Viewpoints erased, dictated, force feed. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Aliens. Where are they? Here, all here. Ever changing. Ideas, beliefs, ever changing. Alien. All here. All alien. Not out there. Right here. Morphing. Evolving. Alien. Unrecognizable. Looking back, looking forward.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Passing through. Passing along. Flowing essence. Consciousness flowing one to the next. Continuous unbroken flow, consciousness. Eddies form, direction alters. Continuous flow. Not segmented. Seems individual. Drop I... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Seeing. Seeing what is shown. What senses allow. Reality defined. Defined by the senses. Defined by what bubbled up from ooze. Reality that simple? Creation that limited? Defined by the product of ooze? Might there... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Moving through, sailing. Sailing as a schooner on the waves. Gliding on the waves. Waves of reality. Waves of energy. Ripples rising up. Medium, rich in context. Existence, passing through time passing through s... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Revolution. Technology transformation. Global transformation. Tsunamis of information inundation. Overwhelming. Humanity reeling, realigning. To what end? Uncertainty shudders cracking foundations. Power spiltting. C... Read more


poem by John Prophet

The future is now. Time space encapsulated. All one all time at once. The past alters the future. The future reflects the past. Each moment connected balled up. Balled up as one. Turned in on itself. Whatâ€... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Escape. None. There is no escape. Tidal forces of what’s to come. Tidal forces wash over all. Pervasive. Every nook and cranny, it will find. No hiding, none. It permeates all. Orbiting, wirelessly impr... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Ideas. Infection. People are people. Empty vessels at birth. Differentiated. People do not control. Merely empty vessels filled. Ideas control. Conflicting, competitive ideas. Infection. Inhabiting the beast. Vi... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Civilizations built. Decisions made. Billions of decisions! Whether to turn left, whether to turn right, whether to go straight. Each has consequences. Energy pulsing off the planet. Each second decision energy layeri... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Antidote. Step away. Leave behind. Avoid the din and chatter. Chattering chaos of humanity. Crossing currents. Nonstop conflicting narratives. Ad nauseam. Losing identity, individual... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Nextworld. What’s to come. Evolution fast tracked. Virtual. All virtual. Real world sharing. Real world fading. Fading away. Virtual business. Virtual enjoyment. Idealized. Consumer choice idealism. Avatar abs... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Imprints. Indelible imprints. Every soul notches a mark, an imprint. Carved in the underlying. Creations palette. Realm of the unseen. All energy leaves residuals. Ripples through uncertainty. Through fields of ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Imprints. Indelible imprints. Every soul notches a mark, an imprint. Carved in the underlying. Creations palette. Realm of the unseen. All energy leaves residuals. Ripples through uncertainty. Through fields of ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Experience. Cascading. Building. Transforming. Experiences. Tumble down. Slam head on, absorbing. Sculpting the soul. Enlarging. Enriching the being. Takes time. Personal development takes time. Time to create self... Read more

Never Ending

poem by John Prophet

Never ending. Time. Space. Endless. Worlds upon worlds. Places as far as there is. All unknown. Disconnect. Searching yet never to be found. Never to be known. Trapped imprisoned within. Within the limitless.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Processing. Input. Data, information consumption. New ways data flows. Absorbing content. Mind altering. Faster ever faster. Information overload. Altering behavior. Processing on hyperdrive. Can’t get enough. T... Read more


poem by John Prophet

It’s time to fly, soar above. Let loose the lies. Confront the spinners, polluters. Mind pollution. Pumping nonstop manipulation. Beware. Beware unseen powers behind the curtain. Pulling levers. Pushing butto... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Stardust. Vastness of being. Beyond comprehension. Limitations. Human limitations baked in. Climbing mountains. Only to see higher. Undaunted pressing higher still. Only to see higher. Never ending mountains. Moun... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Segments. Slices. Slices of time. Worlds existed. Lives lived. Stories told. Unique. Different actors. Different stories. All played out. Real. All real. As real as now. To them, as real as now to us. Segment ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Shadow. Inner. Hiding within. That which is unknown. Personality unknown. Personal. Dig deep for truth. Inner truth. Know thyself less be defined by others. Look through the veil. See past interference. Societi... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Mirage. Inside. All’s inside. What’s sensed, a mirage. Images formed in the mind. Illusions. Energy passing through. Vibrations. Energy vibrations coursing within. Converted. Universe in the mind. All min... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Powers that be. Plying the shadows. Infecting the cloud. Designing technology. Entering minds to control. History replete with such things. Always those who want to rule the world. Clubs to la... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Pivot. Knots of existence. Twisted. Pivoting. Torquing time, forcing space. Pressure points. Spinning. Millions altering directions. Creating, altering events. Large small. Brush strokes each. All the same. Wr... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Pollution. Clouds the mind. Dulls the senses. Alters reality. Seeping sludge. Modernities mindless rhetoric. Pushing. Digital muck, flushing through. Warping pathways clouding thought. Clear thinking polluted. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Past. Slips away. Fades to memories. Memories die. Vaporize. Cease to exist. Riding the nexus. Future. Mystery. Unknown. Falling away, by the wayside. Expendable. Generations. One to the next. Energy expended.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Sparks. Firefly like. Popping in and out. Energy flows. Spinning twisting, bubbling up. Flames of creation. Energy is matter then back again. Pulsing firework display. Life sparks into existence. Cracking spar... Read more

Deep Subtleties

poem by John Prophet

Deep Subtleties. Experience. Navigation. Charting existence. Subtle in nature. Years in development. Pathways rewired. Processing. Different approaches. Not, understood by less traveled. Experience, wisdom’s fur... Read more

Meant To Be

poem by John Prophet

Meant to be. Who! Who was I meant to be? Is there the one perfect me? Who’s to judge? Who’s to say? Look into the mirror. Is that the perfect me? Made different choices. Would that then lead to a perfe... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Eclectic. Philosophy. Look around. Pick and choose. Avoid imposition. Design personally. Not pathways chosen by others. Stand firm. Firm against imposed philosophical thought. Read absorb. Absorb many sources. ... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Medium. Movie like. Life. Eyes forward. Events flowing movie like. Reach out, touch. Feel the medium, breath the medium. Immersed. Observe from within. One moment to the next. One story to the next.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Faith, beliefs transitory. Time and space dependent. Changeable, alter, evolve. What once was, no longer. Fervent ways, ancient faiths discarded. Millions followed. Lived and died believing. What will, yet to be.... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Metamorphosis. Shape shifting. Accelerating change. Civilization altering. Where to now? Never seen before. Such change never seen before. Revolution. Mind bending. Revolutionary change. Technology. Biotechnology,... Read more


poem by John Prophet

Empty streets. Empty stores. Empty everything. All things delivered. No need to go out. Paid to stay home. Seduced. Immersion. Immersed in the virtual. Absorbed In the machine. Designed. Utopia, no reason to lea... Read more