Alice inwonderland


City: Ireland


Frank Hornby . commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Graveyard on Apr 08, 2022 at 6:49am.
Christopher Russon commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Shadows on Sep 22, 2021 at 12:36pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Violet violins on Sep 22, 2021 at 12:34pm.
Justin McElveen commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, The Seven Deadly Sins on Sep 01, 2021 at 1:53am.
Justin McElveen commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Secrets of the Heart on Sep 01, 2021 at 1:49am.
Justin McElveen commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Violet violins on Sep 01, 2021 at 1:47am.
Julia Shaw commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Winter on Dec 30, 2019 at 7:00am.
Alice Inwonderland commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Wake Up on Dec 06, 2019 at 11:04pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, Wake Up on Oct 20, 2019 at 7:07pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Alice Inwonderland's poem, A secret shared unknowingly on Oct 28, 2018 at 2:51pm.


Dinesh Chauhan commented on Mar 29, 2018 at 5:39am :
I have a dream to visit Ireland if I comes would u help me there.

My Pinned

The Seven Deadly ...

poem by Alice inwonderland

He paced upon the rocky ash, within his dark abyss, The world was much too beautiful; he would have none of this. What can I do to wreak havoc upon this sacred ground? For years he thought meticulously, until a way was found…... Read more


Secrets of the He...

poem by Alice inwonderland

Eyes without speaking tell secrets of the heart A smile cannot hide, The glistening black, The pupil it speaks, “This girl has lost her track.” Look away or you will see, The pain she cannot tell, The hurt she b... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

A world created brand and new, what picture it would paint, Each animal, each person, an entity of what taint. Green, yellow, orange, blue, scattered with raw light, Though hard to penetrate through, Such closed and hardened migh... Read more

The Shadow of Dea...

poem by Alice inwonderland

You creep through the valley of the shadow of death That is what life presents Never moving forward, always looking back Watching his shadow in case he attacks Our loved ones crying, hurting, suffering, Waiting on him to pounce... Read more

Yellow House Man

poem by Alice inwonderland

The man in the hat, by the window, he laughs at me In the yellow house As I dwell in my misery Yes he laughs at me Why so miserable, he smiles The black crows circle by He stands still, unmoving Are you really there? Am I ... Read more

little white moth

poem by Alice inwonderland

Its little white wings Flutter softly against The black window pane Attracted by the light A shade of bright Against the dark Its warm wings hit the cold Flapping against the Wide, wet, window Painlessly, its little whit... Read more

Nowhere to hide.

poem by Alice inwonderland

A little garden gnome stands upon the soil Looking to the garden, a path of grey turmoil The stones scattered along the ground Wobbling footsteps tripping around The sky above prepares to thunder Time to reek this garden under C... Read more

The louder voice

poem by Alice inwonderland

The bad me has a louder voice It’s like I don’t have a choice Can’t help myself When I don’t know myself Better just wreck myself It’s easier that way. Easier to feel the hate Than the love... Read more

The Ten Plaugues

poem by Alice inwonderland

We talk of history, like it happened long ago Unable to see, in our present its echo But these story book events are not passing thoughts For we continue to colour each grey snap shot The ten plagues of Egypt began with a river... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

We change like the seasons. So unsure of who we are and even more so of what we want. One moment, we are elated, the next desolate. Unable to determine what has led us on this craze infused path. In love, its glory consumes us, our he... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Mass metallic blue surrounds, Icicle cold, beneath the clouded sky, A depth unable to capture, A seamless, timeless eye. Watching as we weep, Our tears fill up her brim, Gushing, rushing water, Her heart calls out within. ... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Rolling on the right side of wrong Five or six, it doesn’t matter Whatever the face She’s as good as ace Danger is her number Playing with fire Riddling the tame She loves the game Table to Table Pacing the ... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

I was a mother since I was little, Always playing with dolls, Feeding, washing, laughing, Pretending I was a Mum. I was a mother since I was little, Always helping my own, Cleaning, organising, faffing, Pretending I was a Mum... Read more

Longing for your ...

poem by Alice inwonderland

I wish I knew how my hand felt in yours... When it's cold, does it give you warmth? I hold my own, but feel nothing. My own hand is useless to me. Your hand, I long for, To hold me tight, To make my own hand feel like it belongs... Read more

Violet violins

poem by Alice inwonderland

A little lion lay by the water. Waiting. His shadow drizzled in the waters face. A little deer lay by the water. Waiting. Her shadow hid in the lions embrace. Violet violins, the sound of lavendar bells. The lion stays still in the de... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

If my world and your world could align. If there could be a better design. Where love and hate meet, ready for the battle... The sound of deafening drums, beating to a rhythm, of a song so ancient lost, telling of a season, when world... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

My cold, numb shadow stretched beyond the willow tree, far in the distance. Long and rigid like a Frankenstein, unknowing to the passersby, should there be any...this is not a monster. My strides elongate at this thought. Perception. ... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

The wind howls at the cemetery stone, Rain drizzles silently on the tarmac, Names one by one, they stand alone, Lost loved ones, beneath the earth. Grey skies show no sign of hope, A hooded coat, hands in pockets stan... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

I went to a place in my dream I'm sure that I was dead A place filled with dewdrops of lavender from a bed of rosehips A broken stone wall I climbed upon, the sun shining so gently through the vines To barely touch my cheek but ... Read more

The Unending Wild...

poem by Alice inwonderland

She bathed in the hunt, beneath the moon Shining its light on her endless doom Surviving the city, her wilderness cried But beneath the earth, her humanity died Alone for so long, the destruction took cloak Pulling it... Read more

A horror has happ...

poem by Alice inwonderland

A horror has happened My name screams out It wounds this heart to hear your pain But your souls are now filled with doubt. I wish I could come and tell you Help to piece back the parts But no words from even me, I’m afr... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

I often wonder back and forth, Forth and back, like a hummingbird, To and Fro, on you go, My little hummingbird. I sang a song a long time ago, You tried to make them hear, You hurt my heart my little humming bird, Won't you ... Read more

Id rather be alon...

poem by Alice inwonderland

All the years I’ve spent trying Wasted memories, no use crying No one to blame but me I should have realised we weren’t meant to be Waking in the dark Restless nights I pondered Lost in my own thoughts Through w... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

I don't understand, where am I? She cried! “My dear, isn't it obvious?..You've died!” No. It can't be. I'm not ready to leave. My dear, it is time, accept it and grieve. Time? But what time is it? When... Read more

A secret shared u...

poem by Alice inwonderland

A secret shared unknowingly I understand, you do not know My heart it bleeds, I feel your woe You do not know, I see it all I am you, you are me so separate we are, yet together we be Trapped in a world, paranoid, se... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Life’s Worth Living So let’s go flying Let’s go smiling Let’s go dying Life’s Worth Living So let’s go sunning Let’s go running Let’s go gunning Life’s worth ... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

I pick it off, It disappears, It’s gone now, With all my fears I look at the space, Where it once was, Do I miss it? I do, because… It helped me, This hate, This sadness, This fate, What now do I strive ... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Embellished jewels emblazoned on bronze, His silver sword, A token to hold. Shinning metal, glimmering on gold, Her silver locket, Kept safe in her pocket. Silken satin flowing softly on air, Their prized medallion, A Satu... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Through the silence I hear it It waits on me to notice I grasp it for just a second But then it leaves me in Silence It pickles my brain Gone before it’s there Stay and let me listen But then it leaves me in Silenc... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Grieving Cut me alive You may as well Bathe in my blood I’m already in hell Point your finger Pluck my eyes Pick me apart Please hurry your cries Open my skin Look deep inside Scavenge around No need to be kin... Read more

The Hallow Reel

poem by Alice inwonderland

Her voice it sang to the heavens beyond Free me from this void of falling Please wont you answer my calling Her voice it sank, “please respond..” A hole so deep, no one could cover A mind so trapped, no ... Read more

Heaven is like...

poem by Alice inwonderland

I imagine heaven is like, a garden of ever green, A silence that isn't deafening, With people who are unseen. Souls of endless variety, Each one a beacon bold, No hatred in this garden, Only love resides to hold. I imagine... Read more

The Orange Globe

poem by Alice inwonderland

Deep inside the orange globe, Deep down within, He shook the rubble from the ground, The glow of amber sin. A hand swirling in its grasp, A world of roaring pain, Tossing, turning, tumbling round, A place without a name. A... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

I lay awake one Summer night Afraid to fall asleep Knowing that in just one blink My mind would travel deep A world I'd go of thoughts unknown To places I'd never been Each door awaited, tall and thick Behind lay dreams unse... Read more

The waste-ground ...

poem by Alice inwonderland

A little boy grows up, Not knowing what's to come, Throwing stones upon the waste-ground, Yes, he has only just begun. A little girl grows up, Not knowing what's to come, Tying ribbons beside the waste-ground, Yes, she has on... Read more

The White

poem by Alice inwonderland

White, it penetrates here, in this place. A blank slate, a new page to mark, With footsteps, one by one they print, Across the blinding white from dark. What lies beyond this pale? Keep walking, look through the glare, Don't g... Read more

Once Upon A Time....

poem by Alice inwonderland

Once Upon A Time... No need to be exact She looked within herself Asking how she'd stay intact A million thoughts delighted Scattering through her every pore It was you no him, no you they shouted To her beating core You p... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

Fate..I hear them say, It was destiny, the way, But I am not so sure, For love, there is no cure. An easy way to reign, The dying heart of pain, But belief in a final power, Will not help this bleeding hour, It was for the... Read more


poem by Alice inwonderland

My mind is a minefield. Be careful where you step. Tread gently, or you'll risk an explosion. My mind is a clock. Ever turning. Be careful or you'll risk, It'll stop. My mind is a painting, scattered colour, Be careful or you'... Read more