Christopher Russon


City: Birmingham
Relationship: Married
School: Hallmoor
Hobby: Writing poems
Pets: 1
Kids: 3
Degree: City & Guilds Certificate


Msbellepoetry43 commented on Christopher Russon's poem, Just an illusion. on Jun 17, 2024 at 3:52pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Good Morning on Sep 08, 2023 at 3:25pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Teardrops to Raindrops on Sep 08, 2023 at 3:21pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 11:29am.
Christopher Russon commented on Brianna Miller's poem, Touch on Aug 13, 2023 at 5:12am.
Christopher Russon commented on Brianna Miller's poem, for pumpkin: on Aug 13, 2023 at 5:10am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on Kylee Kochenderfer's lyrics, You'r Still Dave on Aug 06, 2023 at 2:42pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Sydney Uemura's poem, Your Hands on Aug 06, 2023 at 2:41pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Jude Kyrie's poem, Its no wonder I love you. on Aug 05, 2023 at 5:41am.


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A poem for my fat...

poem by Christopher Russon

He was there To put me right When I was going wrong Times when I was weak He was there to Make me strong He was there To keep me sheltered From rain and heavy storms A guiding light that shone From the day that I was born.... Read more


poem by Christopher Russon

He stands outside your mind And will tear your thoughts apart He will distort your vision Then paint your thinking grey. When reaching out for hope He will take that hope away Then he will lurk in every corner And will plan y... Read more

Highs and lows.

poem by Christopher Russon

Never trust a smile it may not be what it seems Behind there may be troubles and worries all unseen Their thoughts may be like traffic in a large conjested town Maybe that is the reason why they are feeling down. So when you see... Read more

The gardeners she...

poem by Christopher Russon

I will tell you a story don't think of me bad Concerning my self and the scantily clads I was just a young man who was easily led They sent me to paint the gardeners shed I looked around and what did I see The scantily clads loo... Read more

Dream of dreams.

poem by Christopher Russon

Open your eyes you will see blue sky's Accompanied by snow white clouds Look at those mountains and trickling fountains Leading you to a brook near bye. Looking around you hear the sound of water falls And sweet birds singing ... Read more

Mighty man

poem by Christopher Russon

The world now unbalanced you mighty man Giant creatures fell to your greed and pride You destroyed the human we are divided And who will release us from your chains. Nature now in jeaperdy struggling to survive Planet... Read more

The signs.

poem by Christopher Russon

You danced like Cinderella Smiling and looking fine We should have known much better But we failed too see the signs You were playing to the crowds Laughing all the time. You forever were always joking But we failed too see the... Read more

The empty field.

poem by Christopher Russon

Gone like the breeze With the passing of time Nothing left but silence Only the sound of birds. Memories etched within my mind As I walk along this empty field I remember football on the green And walking along the river Cole... Read more

Just an illusion.

poem by Christopher Russon

I see faces in the clouds And curtains and the walls I see faces in the trees And the leaves before they fall I look into the mirror And this is what I see A face they call a failure Looking back at me. I told my mother what I... Read more

The singing sheph...

poem by Christopher Russon

The echoing sound of seagulls Flying above the sea And leaves upon their branches Such a wonderful harmony , Nature's inspiration was it The reason for his call From a humble shepherd on the land To packing out town halls , ... Read more

Horror in the For...

poem by Christopher Russon

Listen to the sound of wolves With zombies who are often cruel Vultures hovering seeking flesh Must keep on the move no time to rest. All of this for an adventurous trip Nobody warned about the risk Or gave a clue of what lay a... Read more

Yesterday's Hero.

poem by Christopher Russon

I felt I lost a really good friend When his life came to an end Always there on my tv screen My young childhood hero If you see what I meen. Following his career from a Young man who rose to fame He became flourishing actor Co... Read more

God is everywhere.

poem by Christopher Russon

How can we say there is no God When we see him everyday He is there within the universe And in parks where children play. He is there in the form of a helping hand That picks you up so you can stand. We see him when there's bird... Read more

Rich man's world.

poem by Christopher Russon

We are living in a world of plenty Where lives are governed by gold Living with the rich and wealthy Who are sheltered from the cold. There are artificial smiles When our dreams reach for the sky's Those smiles take a turning ... Read more

The passing of da...

poem by Christopher Russon

Your youth is like the the leaves in spring And the gentle breeze on a pleasent day The wind blows all your cares away. Now the flowers bloom summer is here A simple Rose in your garden of life Romance awaits no Time to hesitat... Read more

The wind and bree...

poem by Christopher Russon

It is really such a strange old day But in a very pleasent way. As we know the clouds are low But the sun is shining through It says hello with a special glow Their is such alot to see and do. The ice cream man inside his van I... Read more

Angels in Flight.

poem by Christopher Russon

There are more to Angels than meets the eye In celestial chariots they travel through the universe And through the galaxy's at the speed of light. They are in and out of space and amongst the human race. They are in midheaven wh... Read more

Springtime Avenue

poem by Christopher Russon

The nightime stars Seem so far away Then it doesn't really matter On this calm and pleasant day. Walking through the avenue Where springtime flowers bloom We see the cherry blossom trees With summer coming soon. The ... Read more

Listen to his sto...

poem by Christopher Russon

I feel so empty in this lonely world Just me and a room with a view Overlooking parks and shops From my towerblock in the sky. She has left me all alone Now i am up here on my own Why did she have to leave Where has she go... Read more

Give me a ring.

poem by Christopher Russon

Hi their all you youthful souls Chase your dreams reach your goals Just remember I am always here So far away yet so very near. So go your way and do your thing But if you get lost give me a ring I am here and there any time o... Read more

Ode to your four ...

poem by Christopher Russon

Never forget your four legged friend Those days you thought would never end He followed you wherever you went Happy times those years you spent. When he was young crafty at times Often a shoe was hard to find Looking under tab... Read more

Sea around the li...

poem by Christopher Russon

I am a lighthouse Wide and tall The sea so fierce Against my walls. The night so dark With stormy winds I am a lighthouse Weathering everything. My keeper now is safe inside whisky neat by a nice warm fire Unaware of th... Read more

He writes about l...

poem by Christopher Russon

He spent his life in factorys Worked his fingers to the bone Fifty years have come and gone Now retired and stays at home. A family he provided for Now his children they have grown They have all moved on and fled the nest They... Read more

My favourite come...

poem by Christopher Russon

I remember my favourite comedian He often acted daft When I was feeling down He would put an end to that. He had a funny way with words And could always tell a tale He new how to draw attention His humour it never faile... Read more

Far more precious...

poem by Christopher Russon

Take good care of the elderly Keep them out of the cold Give them a ring and you will see Their worries will unfold. They may be concerned about eating And all of their daily needs Don't forget about their heating And all t... Read more

The clue.

poem by Christopher Russon

How do we know there is a God ? And how do we know he is here .? Is the proof of his existence When people are living in fear ? Were do we look for answers ? There's so many questions to ask Many folk are doubtful When relig... Read more


poem by Christopher Russon

When I was fifteen years of age My father put me into a trade He himself was a carpenter He said I would make the grade. I wanted to be in dad's kind of work But it wasn't meant to be Now im'e happy being a painter It's the o... Read more

There's a poet in...

poem by Christopher Russon

The door is there for the opening You know we all hold the key Pour out your thoughts on paper Your on the road to poetry. Your words at first may falter Like a child's very first step But the more that you keep writing There... Read more

What road are the...

poem by Christopher Russon

Let's hope this storm blows over It is looking rather bad It's really so alarming When nations get raging mad. It only takes one foolish move And all we need is one Lives could be in Danger And our planet could be gone. Lo... Read more

Growing pains.

poem by Christopher Russon

I feel I'm getting older Full of aches and pains My body keeps on telling me I will never be young again. I used to be a drinker I admit I drank too much But now I'm reaching seventy I hate the blooming stuff. Now I'm on t... Read more


poem by Christopher Russon

You have found yourself a Genius There is nothing he can't do He could lose himself inside his room And he would write a book or two. You have found yourself a Genius A man of high esteem He can make a lot of money And your l... Read more


poem by Christopher Russon

They say I'm away with the fairies That's what they said to me Looking back in retrospect It would be a lie to disagree. My lawn is filled with garden gnomes And rabbits that are made from clay And children's books inside my hom... Read more


poem by Christopher Russon

You have found yourself a Genius There is nothing he can't do He could lose himself inside his room And he would write a book or two. You have found yourself a Genius A man of high esteem He can make a lot of money And your l... Read more

Negative words.

poem by Christopher Russon

I hate those words Like So long my friend And This is he end. I hate those words Like Nothing lasts forever And No more summer weather. I hate those words Like It was never meant to be And No more you and me. I hate tho... Read more

Guardian Angels.

poem by Christopher Russon

They are there within the breeze When its blowing through your hair You can see them in the trees They are here there and everywhere. You can see them in a smile And when they wash away a tear They are in the laughter of a chi... Read more

Lovely display of...

poem by Christopher Russon

It's such a pleasant morning I'm not going to do a thing I am sitting drinking coffee I see a lovely display of wings. I love these early mornings My working days now done Watching birds of every kind They really Bring much a... Read more

Solitary moment.

poem by Christopher Russon

It is such a lovely Decembers Day All my cares have flown away A squirrel runs along my fence Then jumps down on my garden bench. The crows are many they are nearby They spread there wings and away they fly All is quiet their ... Read more

Go and see your D...

poem by Christopher Russon

I had to go and see my Doctor For I was feeling rather down He took one look and said to me You need to go out on the town. He asked are you a heavy drinker ? And do you drink a lot of wine ? I said whisky is my tipple My pr... Read more

This single man.

poem by Christopher Russon

This single man lives all alone inside a single room This single man has just one cup along with a single spoon This single man it must be said sleeps alone in a single bed This single man has a single pillow to rest his weary hea... Read more

He said the word ...

poem by Christopher Russon

He wondered up towards the bar He said the word Hello An angry face looked at him He received an awful blow. He went crashing into tables Then landed on the floor Glasses smashed and broken His chin felt rather sore. Those blo... Read more