Christopher Russon


City: Birmingham
Relationship: Married
School: Hallmoor
Hobby: Writing poems
Pets: 1
Kids: 3
Degree: City & Guilds Certificate


Msbellepoetry43 commented on Christopher Russon's poem, Just an illusion. on Jun 17, 2024 at 3:52pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Good Morning on Sep 08, 2023 at 3:25pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, Teardrops to Raindrops on Sep 08, 2023 at 3:21pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 11:29am.
Christopher Russon commented on Brianna Miller's poem, Touch on Aug 13, 2023 at 5:12am.
Christopher Russon commented on Brianna Miller's poem, for pumpkin: on Aug 13, 2023 at 5:10am.
Christopher Russon commented on John Prophet's poem, The Scene on Aug 07, 2023 at 8:40am.
Christopher Russon commented on Kylee Kochenderfer's lyrics, You'r Still Dave on Aug 06, 2023 at 2:42pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Sydney Uemura's poem, Your Hands on Aug 06, 2023 at 2:41pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Jude Kyrie's poem, Its no wonder I love you. on Aug 05, 2023 at 5:41am.


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The little things...

poem by Christopher Russon

If you don't have a job anymore. Or own a car like you did before Then there are new pastures to explore Where those little things in life mean a lot . Like a walk in the town Or a stroll through the park Where you can wa... Read more

Hidden treasures.

poem by Christopher Russon

Is it such a crime To follow a dream. They say that dreams Come never Hold back from what Ever may be out There for you. Who knows what you Will find Hidden treasures Come to mind. How will you know If you never d... Read more

Marching Boots,

poem by Christopher Russon

Those heavey boots That marched our streets Will never march again Peace has come upon our land No longer a world insane, Six long years of fear and dread With so much uncertainty Now we sleep at night in bed At peace and fe... Read more