Frank Hornby .


City: Liverpool
School: Comprehensive
Hobby: poetry...drawing/painting
Degree: GCSE (ULCI)..


Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, ADOLESCENCE... on Jun 11, 2024 at 7:02pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, Daily Hypocrisy - WIP on May 26, 2024 at 8:43am.
Casey Allin commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Apr 02, 2024 at 4:18pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, Mates.. on Mar 16, 2024 at 9:11am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Jan 19, 2024 at 11:49am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, My Last Poem of 2023 on Jan 04, 2024 at 9:23am.
Tugrul Uysal commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Dec 24, 2023 at 11:05am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 1:53pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 11:29am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, THIS PLACE.. on Aug 04, 2023 at 3:29pm.


Frank Hornby . commented on Oct 06, 2021 at 6:03am :
Hi Yorkshire people are real tough cookies mate!...sounds like you've been through the "grinder"....and you've come out stronger....keep battling mate!...yeah my heads full of personal memories Keith...I get rid of my demons through works for keep writing your poems won't be too long before you catch up!...thanks for getting in touch mate...and keep writing...all the best...Frank.
Keith Jepson commented on Oct 05, 2021 at 3:44pm :
Hi Frank... less than ten is a minus to me, I got over skin cancer, Prostate cancer, a year ago I had a full rib resection (osteosarcoma) and now this... but I carry on. By the way, I have a lot of poems to write to catch thee up lad I will get around to reading them :)
Frank Hornby . commented on Jan 06, 2020 at 9:23am :
Hi Cecilia....the fire reports coming from Australia are really frightening.....especially from the Sydney area....I hope you are not suffering in any way.....all the best to you and your family for the coming year...Frank, (Liverpool).....

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story by Frank Hornby .

"With my head bowed, I had no choice...the thought of that dreaded walk, all I could do was hold my breath, and go, tears welled in my eyes, I'd never, ever felt such complete shame, and humiliation that was suddenly bestowed on me,... Read more

Wall of Mystery.....

story by Frank Hornby .

"He lay there in absolute agony, he was certain that his skull was fractured, "How did it happen? He thought, "was I hit from behind? "was I pushed?" He couldn't remember anything as he lay there, with his life slowly ebbing away, ... Read more


story by Frank Hornby .

"Fantastic! last contact with aliens was soon to become a reality. N.A.S.A. is at this very moment guiding a massive fleet of our cosmic cousins safely to our Mother Earth. Soon billions of excited humans will actually meet supe... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Mike, Billy, and my youngest brother Paul... It's been many, many sadly I don't know you three at all.. With my fading memories of growing us four young Kirkby lads.. ..and eventually I did find out...that we h... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Thank you for just liking me....all those years ago... thank you for choosing me...even though you didn't know... thank you for selecting share everything that we do.. thank you for making it so easy fall in love... Read more

There's a place.....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I've set my time machine for 1966.. and again it's another beautiful sunny day.... here we all are lying on the grass...the football (for now) is put away, three hours of footy has finally took its toll...we all can hardly walk, ... Read more

Friday on my mind...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm sittin' all alone ...again just thinkin' of you... patiently waitin' for do things that we like to do.. With the turntable slowly turnin'...playin' music on your sister Ann's old Dansette... so cosy by the two bar ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Somehow my young life had become a total pretence.. it was so hard for me to understand...because nothing made any sense. Carrying the burden of confusion...and a deep feeling of shame.... keeping the dark secret of my unwanted na... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Way back in the ' my small junior school... it was called corporal punishment....a disciplinary rule, allowed to each give them the license to scold. some used a cane...if you didn't do as you were told.. It ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I had this strong feeling....that you didn't seem to care.. I had this quiet voice...that you didn't want to hear... I had these odd feelings....but I couldn't understand.. that if you was my dad....why didn't you hold my little h... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I loved those "Piley Ons"...down on the living room floor... wrestling, and tussling on the carpet...laughing, and shouting...screaming for more! Those lovely days when our girls were small....beautiful times, I love to recall... ... Read more

Let it be....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Everyone has a story...or a poem locked inside their head, simply write it down...just let those words be read, to understand the power of an innocent little word.. unburden your troubled soul...go on...let it all be heard. Think... Read more

A Winters tale...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"In the winter of '63 I do still recall...for days on end heavy snow did fall, us lads went out, and had a snowball was the day that I thought I'd lost my we all ran crazy through the falling snow....with th... Read more

Sacked again..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I've just been sacked again I need another new job, once again I'll start looking for work...I need to earn a few bob. I can't seem to last more than six months...before I'm shown the exit door, every day I walk around... Read more

The Wise Old Man..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"We were lying on the grass, after a couple of hours of fun... our T shirts were scattered all around, as we lay in the blazing sun... an old man passed us by...then stopped, and gave some sound advice, He said, "Lads, you must tur... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"My life has changed, in so many different ways... as I look back to those very early innocent days. I had so much fun playing that battered old street.. where kids had to be agile...and quick on their feet.. My earliest ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"There's no end to the flashbacks to when I was a small lad... ..can't seem to get it out of my head, that I didn't have a dad... the anger's there still with me...hidden deep inside.. ..can't seem to shake it off....I've tried...o... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"As I sat all alone in the hospital chair... I was embraced by my loved ones...all saying that they care... The messages of love...thick, and fast, to me they came.. overwhelming me with their love...they all said the same... I fe... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Saturday mornings we'd head off happily to the match... We had to be quick...there was a bus to catch.. We'd get to Goodison an' Bobby, me mate.. It was a 3 O'clock kick off....wouldn't dream of bein' late.. ..we'd leg... Read more

Talking about my ...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I grew up in the '50s....Liverpool was my home... I felt safe on the streets...enjoyed the freedom to roam... ...with the desire, and a go and explore... we were the lucky generation....had no fear of war... although w... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I really loved time spent at "Brooky" old Kirkby high school... I was always an interested pupil..trying to abide by their strict rule.. all through my learning years...I tried so hard from the very start.. enjoying the pract... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"It's now time that I told you...why I went so far away.. I had to pack up, and go son...I just couldn't bear to stay... I really did love your mum....but things were not working out.. and it was better for us all...that I didn't h... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Let me tell you about my two Sharon, and my Michelle.. The eldest is my Sherbie...the youngest is my Belle... My two girls are my future...they've also been my past... right now they are my present...I'll love them unti... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Alone with my sometimes a wonderful feeling... as repairing regrets...might start the process of healing... Incidents of my past...need to be released from my psych... adults arguing, and fighting....those things I didn'... Read more

The Mask

poem by Frank Hornby .

"The smile of the clown...don't be fooled by the lie... inside he's suppressing...the urges to cry... The paint is a mask...he constantly wears... cover his feelings...that nobody cares.. hearing the he perform... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm watching our Great River flow back out to the sea... I'm so proud of the River means so much to me... If it wasn't for our River...Liverpool just wouldn't be here... the world would be the it's so much l... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"There comes a we all know... when it's our time to leave...when it's our time to go... Just where to?...nobody knows... it up in "heaven"...where the milk, and honey flows?.. Or do we lay forever...ashes scattered ... Read more

1956..a new era

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Families arrived...from the Liverpool slums... ..most with Mums 'n' Dads...some with just Mums.. Kirkby was the start a new life.. only ten miles from Liverpool...possibilities were rife.. Lots of young kids...with hou... Read more

A Softer ride...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Just enjoy living in the "here, and now"... don't worry about tomorrow....delete it somehow... spend your time having fun...happily being alive... Relax in the healthy, and thrive.. ease off the gas...let your mind take ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"At fourteen I was the only one in our road..without a man I needed to call dad.. I always knew that I was different...and it made me so fuckin' MAD!.. but when I found out the, it didn't make me feel sad.. just knowing ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I have fond memories of my time in old Liverpool 8... being six years of freedom was great... Playing in our back entry...and climbing the high wall... learning how to do a "belly flop" fear of a fall... Having fu... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm getting "leathered" again....but I don't know why.. why does he hurt me?....why make me cry?... What did I do wrong, to deserve that leather belt?.. didn't he even care...about the pain that I felt?.. Didn't he feel guilty, f... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Here's a catchy little song, that will make your big toes tap, with tongue in cheek, it's called the "Old age rap." ....This world is for the young, it just doesn't seem fair, that when we all get old, nobody really does care, be... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"They can't wait to go to bed, they can't wait to climb those stairs, they can't wait to brush their little teeth, they can't wait to say their prayers, and very soon they will be sound asleep, with lovely dreams of sweets, and toys... Read more

Another perfect d...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"We'd walk about a mile up the East Lanc's road...leading to the back of the Kraft, it was a magical place where we all played...explored, and always had a laugh. It was just behind the Cheese a wild nature reserve...... Read more

Memory Lane..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Do you remember the days when we were all small? Life was all fun, and games, isn't it so lovely to recall? Innocent games like, "off ground tick," and "kick the can," also "postmans knock," remember how fast we all ran. Yummy sw... Read more

Forever Autumn...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I keep the memory of you, and me, deep down, deep inside, each time I think of you my mum, I'm filled with love, and pride. You had no choice, you had to go,, and then I shed tear. A piece of my heart is missing, because mum... Read more

A Cavern Dream....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"There they all were, five lads young, and fresh, a raw talented rock band, by the name of Marrakesh. Four guitarists, and a drummer, on the immortal Cavern stage did play, as they sang out, Hey Jude, they just blew us all away! T... Read more

I Need to...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I need to return to the days of my youth, fond memories I just have to hold. I really don't like facing the truth, I really don't like growing old. I need to go back every now, and then, to times sadly long gone, I need to hear... Read more

Words of love...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Put the kettle on Frank, I'd love a cup of tea," a little bunch of words, mum would often ask of me. "Put the kettle on Frank," she would say throughout the day, it was her favourite little phrase, even our parrot learnt to say! ... Read more