Frank Hornby .


City: Liverpool
School: Comprehensive
Hobby: poetry...drawing/painting
Degree: GCSE (ULCI)..


Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, ADOLESCENCE... on Jun 11, 2024 at 7:02pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, Daily Hypocrisy - WIP on May 26, 2024 at 8:43am.
Casey Allin commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Apr 02, 2024 at 4:18pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, Mates.. on Mar 16, 2024 at 9:11am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Jan 19, 2024 at 11:49am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, My Last Poem of 2023 on Jan 04, 2024 at 9:23am.
Tugrul Uysal commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Dec 24, 2023 at 11:05am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 1:53pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 11:29am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, THIS PLACE.. on Aug 04, 2023 at 3:29pm.


Frank Hornby . commented on Oct 06, 2021 at 6:03am :
Hi Yorkshire people are real tough cookies mate!...sounds like you've been through the "grinder"....and you've come out stronger....keep battling mate!...yeah my heads full of personal memories Keith...I get rid of my demons through works for keep writing your poems won't be too long before you catch up!...thanks for getting in touch mate...and keep writing...all the best...Frank.
Keith Jepson commented on Oct 05, 2021 at 3:44pm :
Hi Frank... less than ten is a minus to me, I got over skin cancer, Prostate cancer, a year ago I had a full rib resection (osteosarcoma) and now this... but I carry on. By the way, I have a lot of poems to write to catch thee up lad I will get around to reading them :)
Frank Hornby . commented on Jan 06, 2020 at 9:23am :
Hi Cecilia....the fire reports coming from Australia are really frightening.....especially from the Sydney area....I hope you are not suffering in any way.....all the best to you and your family for the coming year...Frank, (Liverpool).....

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All the lonely pe...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"A tired old man in the twilight of his life, lives quietly all alone, since the death of his dear wife. Has no family to call, and friends so very few, weeks spent in total silence, is sadly nothing new. All alone, and forgotten,... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Six little blue tits, perched high upon a twig, puffing out their brand new feathers, to make themselves look big, each one of them deciding, if it's time to leave the nest. So one by one, into the air, bravely five gave their win... Read more

Don't leave me...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Daddy you left me, but I never left you, mummy you kept me, I'm forever grateful, that's true. But mummy you should've told me, I'd still have loved you. Daddy, why did you leave me? ...Why? Why? was it so, just why would you lea... Read more

Robin Redbreast...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"She visits the place, where her father lies peacefully at rest, suddenly there on his grave stone, appeared a robin redbreast, could this be a sign? lovingly sent by her dear old dad, telling his poor grieving daughter, "please gi... Read more

Thinking of you...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Hello mum, if only you knew, the amount of time I spend just thinking of you. With Mother's Day coming, a nice bunch of flowers I'll get, gently placed on your grave, because I will never forget. So many years have quickly gone by... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"The beautiful Red Admiral, and the lovely Cabbage White... fluttering about our garden...a gentle, calming sight... Searching for the perfect leaf, for its orange eggs to lay... briefly landing on random leaves...then quickly flut... Read more

"Well played son"...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"A simple game of football, just a kick about with "me dad," a treasured boyhood moment, a moment I never had. An arm around my shoulder, saying, "Well played son," those three little words of praise, are what memories are built on... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"With his football boots on, he crosses the white line, a lethal goal scorer, this young grandson of mine. At only nine years old, football is deep in his soul, celebrating with his teammates, as he scores another wonder goal. Giv... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Way back in the seventies, I got work at Fords Halewood, after months spent idle on the dole, I never thought I would. Only two months married, and desperately needing a few bob, I didn't half feel good...when I finally landed tha... Read more

Love your Mum...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"It must've been hard, rearing four healthy young boys trying to earn some money for nice clothes, and new toys. But mum managed somehow to cope on her pittance of pay, to bring up her lads, in her own special way. The headaches, ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Do not be shy, do not be afraid, don't ever be embarrassed to ask me for aid. Do not feel silly, because you are a man, just make the time to ask, and l will do all that I can. Please swallow your pride, then whisper the word, n... Read more

The Roll of the D...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"She is lost within her own thoughts, now slowly losing her lovely mind. Once a devoted wife, and mother, why is life so unkind? Sadly losing touch with reality, dementia takes a cruel hold, no memory of her loving family, now ey... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Where are you dad? I'd love to know, why did you leave me? Did you really have to go? Did you know I was born? Did you know I was there? Did you ever see me? If you did....did you care? Did my mum ever love you? and did you ever ... Read more

Life Goes on.....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"There comes a time in your life, when you unfold the years, you remember the laughs, and also the tears. The days in Lodge lane, are memories that I recall, not having our own house, sticks out most of all. Moving to Kirkby, is s... Read more

The Dream...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Oh, to be able, to walk on the land, to feel the sensation, of touch with two hands, to travel to planets, and soar in their skies, then look back at our Earth, through two human eyes. But alas, I'm a dolphin who dwells in the de... Read more

Never a dad....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"You died an alcoholic, a very long time ago, it's only through my recent research, that I finally got to know. You found your way to New Zealand, to maybe start another life, "Why didn't you do the right thing "dad," and make my m... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I lived my early childhood in Toxteth Liverpool 8, my memories are still so vivid, here's a few I'd like to relate. I lived with my Auntie Marie, just off Lodge Lane in Liffey Street, a scruffy little ragamuffin, with worn out sh... Read more

League of Poets...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm only one in a League of poets, amongst hundreds of Women, and Men, our poems appear on, over, and over again. With women like, the wonderful Cecilia Crasto, Jenny Linsel, and not forgetting the gifted Mr Ronell, a... Read more

My Choice...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"While we are here, on this beautiful blue earth, please value your life, for all that it's worth. Don't ever take for granted, any second of each day, just live your life happily, in your own unique way. But be aware that an illn... Read more

Hold Me.....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I know one thing that is certain to put a smile upon your face, is to hold a loved one really close, in a tight, loving embrace, and if you do it quite often, it becomes just like a drug, it really is amazing, the power of a hug. ... Read more

The Deeper the Lo...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Many, many years ago, when I was just a boy, I met a special girl, she brought me so much joy. Mary was still a schoolgirl, so beautiful at just fifteen, I was two years older, she was the best girl I'd ever seen. Mary grew up in... Read more

She's Leaving Hom...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Why do you just take me mum? every time that we have to go," but I was too young to understand, how could I possibly know? Fleeing into the cold dark night, often in the rain, Just me, and my poor mum, it's only now I feel your pa... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Often my thoughts return back to days long gone by, I've had loads of really good laughs, but sometimes I did cry. I remember my poor mum, always seemed to be scurrying about, trying to cope with four young boys, "Will you lot, ... Read more

Wishful thinking

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Hello dad, it's been many, many years, I've thought of you quite often, and cried a bucketful of tears, I know that you were a seaman, who sailed the seven seas, but where were you dad, when I had scrapes on my little knees? I wi... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I still hear your lovely voice...every now, and then... whispering quietly in my ear...time, and time again... I keep thinking that I'm mistaken...but your words are so very clear... calling out my name mum,...makes me feel that y... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I never did see my granddad, he died before I was born, no, I never got to meet him...didn't get the chance to mourn. I have misty memories of my old grandma, sadly she passed away before I got to seven, all my poor mum ever tol... Read more

Mister Hyde...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Every human on a "Jekyll, and Hyde,".. we all have a goodness...also an evil inside... ..honest, and friendly...he likes to portray, but there's a fault in his psych...that comes out to play. Deep in his subconscious.... Read more

Goodbye Bobby Mor...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I watched my brother in law die today, he took his final breath, as he lay surrounded by his loving family, he succumbed to inevitable death. His body lay there lifeless...slowly turning cold, the ward was filled with sobbing, ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I took a stroll through Sefton Park sat,and gazed across the lake, the pigeons, ducks, and graceful swans, what a beautiful site they make. Golden leaves blew in the autumn wind, they rustled, and swirled about the ground, I sat a... Read more

Ah, well....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I've got bad news," the foreman said, "We've got to finish you up," those words still echo inside my head, my mind went numb, I couldn't believe my ears, you can't sack me! I've been here three years! He's made a mistake, he can... Read more

Our Jack.

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I will tell you a little story, about my young grandson jack, when he's riding on his motorbike, he has definitely got the knack! He reaches top speed easily, without showing signs of fear, He is an absolute whiz-kid, when he thro... Read more

The foundling..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"A desperate young mother, pain etched upon her sad face, leaves a tiny little bundle in a leafy hiding place. With a sadness in her heart, and sorrow in her eyes, she abandons her helpless baby, in a cold damp undergrowth he lies,... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I must be the luckiest of all granddads, Just being able to play "footy" with my three young lads. The pure joy of a kick about, with that magic football, I'm bursting with pride, sharing good times with them all. Two beautiful d... Read more

Marathon Man

poem by Frank Hornby .

"The long distance runner, is almost dead on his feet, but he's got to keep on running, he has his personal best to beat. Three hours of pure concentration, all thoughts focused on the race, can't afford to slow down, must keep up ... Read more

Magic Moments..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Here I go again, turning back the crumpled pages of my time, to a chapter way back in the '60s, I was seventeen, a young lad in my prime, 1966 to be exact, the Beatles are really big, I'd grown myself a "moptop", I didn't need a w... Read more

Guitar Hero (Char...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"With his head bowed so low, Charlie strikes all the poses, as he stands there like Slash, from the great Guns'n' Roses, acoustic, or electric, two very different sounds, but when our Charlie let's rip! each guitar holds no bounds,... Read more

Seven Nights...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"For seven nights the bombs fell on my beloved Liverpool, seven nights of pure hell, for my beloved Liverpool. For seven nights Hitler's bombers rained death from our night skies, causing mayhem, and carnage, Liverpool's docks, the... Read more

This Boy..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"With a sad, and troubled frown, this boy seldom cried, behind the mask of a smiling clown, his true feelings he did hide. This boy was arrogant, rough...even sometimes lewd, to many people that knew him, sometimes this boy was b... Read more

Empty nest..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"We first set up our home in a little two up, two down, just me, and my wife Mary, in Liverpool our home town. Soon along came our two daughters....tiny hands, tiny feet, everything was just perfect, our family now complete. So ma... Read more

The Bag Lady

poem by Frank Hornby .

"She limps so slowly, along a Liverpool Street, with all her possessions in a rusty old pram, nobody seems to even notice her, nobody seems to give a damn, jobless, and homeless, blisters bleeding on her aching feet, each day a lo... Read more