Frank Hornby .


City: Liverpool
School: Comprehensive
Hobby: poetry...drawing/painting
Degree: GCSE (ULCI)..


Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, ADOLESCENCE... on Jun 11, 2024 at 7:02pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, Daily Hypocrisy - WIP on May 26, 2024 at 8:43am.
Casey Allin commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Apr 02, 2024 at 4:18pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, Mates.. on Mar 16, 2024 at 9:11am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Jan 19, 2024 at 11:49am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Msbellepoetry43 's poem, My Last Poem of 2023 on Jan 04, 2024 at 9:23am.
Tugrul Uysal commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, The Shadow of Death.. on Dec 24, 2023 at 11:05am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 1:53pm.
Christopher Russon commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, NATURAL SELECTION.... on Aug 24, 2023 at 11:29am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, THIS PLACE.. on Aug 04, 2023 at 3:29pm.


Frank Hornby . commented on Oct 06, 2021 at 6:03am :
Hi Yorkshire people are real tough cookies mate!...sounds like you've been through the "grinder"....and you've come out stronger....keep battling mate!...yeah my heads full of personal memories Keith...I get rid of my demons through works for keep writing your poems won't be too long before you catch up!...thanks for getting in touch mate...and keep writing...all the best...Frank.
Keith Jepson commented on Oct 05, 2021 at 3:44pm :
Hi Frank... less than ten is a minus to me, I got over skin cancer, Prostate cancer, a year ago I had a full rib resection (osteosarcoma) and now this... but I carry on. By the way, I have a lot of poems to write to catch thee up lad I will get around to reading them :)
Frank Hornby . commented on Jan 06, 2020 at 9:23am :
Hi Cecilia....the fire reports coming from Australia are really frightening.....especially from the Sydney area....I hope you are not suffering in any way.....all the best to you and your family for the coming year...Frank, (Liverpool).....

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poem by Frank Hornby .

" Lonliness is a miserable feeling, felt amongst a bustling crowd, paranoia sends your mind a reeling, imagine floating on a windswept cloud, So like the magicians sleight of hand, playing tricks on an already confused mind. Sudden... Read more

No Fixed Abode...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"For too many long years, he's tramped life's lonely road, he doesn't have a home, he has "no fixed abode." For him living is not easy, in fact life is really tough, with no roof over his head, every night sleeping rough, just wal... Read more

When The Penny Dr...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I used to complicate my life with trivial all sorts, and confuse my own mind with negative thoughts. I cared for no one, there was just only me, nobody else mattered, as far as I could selfishly see, then alone in my cold house, ... Read more

What Goes Around....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"A message to all you worthless Scumbags, but I doubt that you can even read, the law should bring back the birch immediately, because it's the punishment you all definitely need! Don't you ever stop to think? That when you coward... Read more

Mr Nobody...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"He turns his crooked latchkey, pushes open the grubby flat door, these days living quietly all alone, no one wants to know him anymore. Collapsing into his greasy armchair, he takes another swig from the lager can, coughs as he in... Read more

The Darkness....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Slowly in a deathly silence, doors begin to close, Sealing chambers within the mind, why? God only knows. Light is finally extinguished, in each, and every room, never to be switched on again, forever left in gloom. The darkness ... Read more

The Loner..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Alone with my thoughts, but very happy, and content, peaceful in my own space, it's the way it was meant. Don't need a friend, satisfied all on my own, pleasurable silence, comfortable in my quiet zone, so unsure in a crowd, feel... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Whisper to me, mum, just tell me that you're ok, please give me a sign, in your own secret way. Whisper to me, mum, please put my mind at ease, tell me that you're safe, please tell me ....please. Whisper to me, mum, gently in my... Read more

Love me.....Dad..

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm not your real dad, anyway!" he roared with hate in his eye, "I already knew!"..I heared myself lie. My young head exploded! Can't let him cry, What was he saying? Those words echoed in my head, but I knew there was t... Read more

I Cry....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I cry for the life that you sadly never had, I cry for myself, for not having a dad, I cry for not telling you, just how I felt, I cry for the miserable life, that you sadly was dealt. I saw your tired eyes, as you lay dying in b... Read more

Night, and Day....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Where do I go, when night time calls? When I drift off to sleep, when the darkness falls. Unconscious, and helpless, I lie there in state, not knowing if I'll wake up, unaware of my fate. Lost in my dreams, in another world that ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"My life has been blessed, with my beautiful daughters Sharon, and Michelle, I'm so very proud of my two girls, "my Sherbie," and "my belle," my special grandchildren also, Rachael, Jack, Charlie, and Joe, and great granddaughter H... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Dark winter days, gently the snowflakes falling, oh, those ice cold nights, I hear the the coal fire calling. Soon the clocks go forward, a new season looming, golden daffodils in flower, springtime is now blooming. As the warm d... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Back in the 60s, our feelings were mutual, when each other we saw, we'd never, ever felt this way for anyone else before. As she looked out of her bedroom window, I was a fantasy to her, and I'd also took notice of the mysterious ... Read more

"FOXY LAD!".....

poem by Frank Hornby .

Boxing is now in his blood, a sport that he honestly loves, Jack really does look the part, when he pulls on his 10oz gloves. Ding! Ding!...The bell starts round one, in a second, he's up off his stool, on his toes he's bobbin, an'... Read more

Home, Sweet Home....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"Reggie the parrot, climbed out of his cage, flew out of an open door, now the whole world was his stage. Up, and over the rooftops, into blue sky, it was a litttle bit scary, as he'd never, ever flown so high! But not before long... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Yes, I'm afraid it is cancer," frowned the doctor, "I'm really sorry to have to say," the words echoed inside my head, but I don't want to die this awful way. Just the sheer mention of cancer, struck dread, and great fear into ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Congregation.. Jubilation... Expectation... Realisation... Suffocation... Devastation... False allegation... False accusation... Condemnation... Liverpool population... Dedication.... Incrimination... At last, justificati... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I simply want to touch your face...I want to hear you laugh, I haven't seen you in over forty years...all I have is a photograph. I've missed you mum, it's been so long, you were the only parent that I had, while growing up I didn... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"They shook up the whole world, with their great music, and Liverpool good looks, completely rewriting, the musical history books. The four bubbly, young scousers with a sound so utterly unique, also taught the rest of world ..the... Read more

Bye, Bye, Liverpo...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I Ike to close my eyes, go back in time, and right now, I'm just seven years old, playing out in Bunter road, with loads of new mates of mine. I've not long moved to Southdene, Kirkby, left forever my Auntie Marie's house in old ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'd love to be in a pub with you dad, enjoying a pint or two, just to sit, and ask some questions dad, and share precious time with you. I'd ask you why you left me dad? tell me why did you have to go? Didn't I mean anything to yo... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I used to want to live forever, right now, I'm not so sure, to live until the twelfth of never, but life now seems a chore. Society is rapidly breaking down, mindless thugs now control the street, many people wear a constant fr... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm stuck in a time warp, and still I'm just twelve years old, once again I'm playing football, my memories are 24 carat gold. My mind turns back the decades, as Father Time moves on, but it's me running onto that through ball....... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"As I sat by the Liverpool museum, overlooking our Great River, the cold December chill made my old bones a shiver. I sat there quietly recalling, my time as a young kid, way back in the 60's of the things that I once did, me, and... Read more

Moment of Truth...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm not your real dad anyway!" his voice at me did scream, I was only fourteen...what did he mean? Then in a split second, I knew what it was all about, "I don't fuckin' care!" I heard myself shout, I raced to my room, and start... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Now it's your time to pay the price, for the evil crimes you've done, it's much too late to say your sorry, prepare to become..... the Devils son. With head now secure within the noose, legs trembling on the gallows deck, trap ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"I really don't like it in here, what wrongs could I have possibly done? I wonder if this is the "naughty boys home," for giving cheek to my poor mum. I really don't like it in here, why do I have to stay? I'm sure, if I climb thro... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Jollamolla custard, green snot pies, all mixed together with a dead dogs eyes, Gathered around the cauldron, warlocks dancing...with grinning cowled witches cackling, and prancing, bathed in the shadowy moonlight, of a dark, and e... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Slumped in an old shop doorway, with a vacant look upon his face, forever to be ridiculed, shamed, and disgraced. His clothing is all ragged, tattered, dirty, and torn, he is always looked down on, with no pity, but scorn. Foreve... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Now, and then along comes a miracle, that's just the way life goes, our latest little wonder, is the beautiful Hallie Rose. She came into our lives, on a magical Christmas Eve, now I'm a proud great Granddad, which I find so ha... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Old Guy Fawkes paid the ultimate price, when he tried, but he failed, to do something not very nice. The Houses of Parliament, he tried in vain to destroy, thus inventing Bonfire night, for us all to enjoy. Every November the 5th... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

" I have a little story, that I'd dearly love to tell, it includes my lovely cousin, her name is Margaret Bell. There is no prouder Scouser that you would ever get to meet, she was born, and raised in Liverpool on good old Liffey s... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"You were just a small portion of my life, but I got to know you really well, you told me about your lovely family, so much you had to tell. With stories of your dislike of school, and the lack of ambition in your life, you see... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Let's all remember them, let's never forget, those brave British soldiers, who paid the ultimate price, defending our Nation, their young lives did sacrifice. It was, a war to end wars, they were led to believe, but thousands wer... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Open the door to your soul,"..I heard the whispering voice say, "Please let me come in,".."I need somewhere to stay." Overwhelming my doubts, with such brilliance of light, gently soothing my mind, Oh, God, now I have sight! Now ... Read more

DON'T GO.......PL...

poem by Frank Hornby .

"You have been dead such a very long time, it's getting hard to recall, memories of you in your prime, images of you are fading, slowly slipping from my mind, Mum!...where are you going?'re getting harder for me to find." Read more

The K B Blues.....

poem by Frank Hornby .

"I'm off to the Grafton, for the Saturday night dance, wow, I've just seen a "good looker," and I don't half fancy my chance. Dead cool I saunter over, casually looked her up, and down, "alright there gorgeous," "how long have you ... Read more

The "Hitchers"......

poem by Frank Hornby .

"As I settled back in my deckchair, feeling the warm sun on my face, I drifted off into a nice deep sleep, ...went back to another place. Somehow I was seventeen again, yeah having the time of my young life, courting a lovely girl ... Read more


poem by Frank Hornby .

"Was I only dreaming? as I lie here half awake, I thought I saw your lovely face, or did I make a mistake? It's the 21st day of April, a special date we both share, to have your first son on your birthday, surely that must be quite... Read more