Rhys Thomas


City: Ormskirk
Relationship: None
School: Edge Hill Univ.
Hobby: Bows, Swords and Horses
Pets: 2
Degree: BSc Mathematics


Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, Daily Hypocrisy - WIP on May 26, 2024 at 8:43am.
Msbellepoetry43 commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, A Million Shades of Grey on Jun 26, 2023 at 4:16am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, Stop on May 23, 2022 at 6:19pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, The Battle In My Mind on Feb 06, 2022 at 9:44am.
Rhys Thomas commented on Danny 's story, The Girl I've Never Met on Mar 30, 2021 at 9:22pm.
Rhys Thomas commented on Frank Hornby .'s poem, There's a place.... on Mar 30, 2021 at 9:14pm.
Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, Awake on Mar 23, 2021 at 5:22pm.
Ann Parks commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, Summer's Day on Feb 22, 2021 at 2:22am.
Ann Parks commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, 4:30 AM on Feb 22, 2021 at 1:43am.
Frank Hornby . commented on Rhys Thomas's poem, 4:30 AM on Feb 21, 2021 at 8:21pm.


No comments exist for this person yet.

My Pinned


poem by Rhys Thomas

"He's happy, leave him be." "But don't you think we should see How he's doing on this day?" "I just told you: Happy is what he'll say." It's not too hard To hide in facade But once it's cracked, It breaks into shards. I sa... Read more

Somewhere Else

poem by Rhys Thomas

I think I might be somewhere else For certainly I'm not always here I just have to ask myself Why is it not more clear? I wish I was somewhere else At least then I would know where But then, it must be said, That I probably w... Read more

Burnt-out Star

poem by Rhys Thomas

When a star burns bright, It don't last long My time is up So here's my fight, And here's my song I can't do this any more I've hung on for so long But now I'm on the verge of collapse For you all, I've been strong But all ... Read more


Reverse Poem: A M...

poem by Rhys Thomas

I'm not good enough for this So don't tell me that I can do anything I set my mind to I constantly feel like I let myself down That's why I won't say I'm a successful person Read more

Kalen Nwaith Llow...

poem by Rhys Thomas

Thān ðetyr kālen a gorfen Engan bwha ghāmi gālen Gorfen y gālen yr gāðo Kālen n̥waith llowen Read more


story by Rhys Thomas

Eus passýs llẃm-kállighan tref, Bengi Þyawhýn akóran lef ýr kíblaiþor ýn ýr r̥áne: “Ap pfoit, Þyawhýn, ðilwsh n̥ash dreheðýs Kórfen ýr Týr. Dergh, Þyawhýn, þaig̊ís bádo dord. Trestan, Þyawhýn, Gwi... Read more

Adult Child

lyrics by Rhys Thomas

I've had to try to be an adult Since I was five years old So I hope you understand I'm tired of it now. I want my childhood back But that's an unreasonable ask Lost days stay gone It happens to everyone. Enjoy each day; ... Read more

Into the Sunset

lyrics by Rhys Thomas

We remember as he rides into the Sunset He saved our town from every threat He fought pirates, and he fought kings And in return, he asked no thing. Into the Sunset he rides The weight of the world in every stride Into the Sun... Read more

Daily Hypocrisy -...

poem by Rhys Thomas

It's rude to talk over others Except when you do it to me One shouldn't walk away when being spoken to Except when you do it me One shouldn't have their headphones on loud enough they can't hear you Except when you do it me. ... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

I wish I could believe you It's not that I think you're lying I believe that you believe You're telling me the truth I wish I could believe you But I've seen how this plays out So many times before I've seen how this goes ... Read more

A Million Shades ...

poem by Rhys Thomas

The morning comes And the haze descends All the colours die To a million shades of grey I lock eyes with them The person in the mirror Their eyes let me see That they are not me They exist inside a copy Of what I'm told i... Read more

I See You

poem by Rhys Thomas

I wish you could see you Through my eyes, and I hope When you see what I see I hope you realise You have no need to hide The Dark and the Beautiful They make us who we are And how I wish You could've had it better The way i... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

Di d'Ostara ðer fið Ðija Whenogh, kania Rekh y Onijaþ Dell seght whenall Llwm Wheð enaþar fiðan aftogalen Ma'an di ghorf gwr Par an Skepakh, an Kalligh Atsis galo fið kennyr Ghargolð whan fiðan palsell Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

Time of Ostara be upon us Goddess of Spring, be Welcomed and Honoured. As you refresh the Watchful Moon Renew our spirits for the year to come On this day of Balance True Equal of Dark and of Light Grant each of us the might ... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

I look in the mirror, what do I see? A stranger's face staring back at me Is this a dream or reality? A reflection that seems not to be I trace my fingers along my skin The stranger always mimicking Am I in control or is she? ... Read more

Kaligh y Dhija

poem by Rhys Thomas

Gēd kāligh y Ðija foar hij Llyneł yr ena hiˈr orgyrð Atsis hi nekter a ten Dorhyd y whān Kania rillekh garlow agwy Aj Llorth Mwr y Marhan Leng yr hiˈr pwa nell Kisyr greð haður hij Aj Gwithy y Rhāne Feshor Bela... Read more

Goddess's Light

poem by Rhys Thomas

Goddess's Light guide your way Fill your soul with fire Grant you courage you need To find what you desire Let flow water's great might O Lady of the seas Imbue you with the power To know you deserve peace Guardian of the ... Read more

Can't Last

poem by Rhys Thomas

I’m trying my best to stick around But it’s getting harder every day The nights are getting longer And the light is fading fast I don’t know how much longer I can last I feel so tired all of the time I don’t want to fa... Read more

Nice day for a Lo...

poem by Rhys Thomas

It's such a sunny day It rained forever but not any more It's been like this since we were told to stay away. Ever since we were told to stay indoors I sit in the garden for the first time this year As I pen the words you're re... Read more

Skarb Smoka

poem by Rhys Thomas

Skarb Smoka nie jest tym, o czym myślisz To nie jest to, co zostało wypisane atramentem Ale coś znacznie cenniejszego Niż żółtko upadłej gwiazdy Nie skrzywdzisz skarbu Smoka Bo oni mają na swoim... Read more

Summer's Day

poem by Rhys Thomas

I sit in the Sun, feeling the breeze As it blows past me and brings the bees To the garden so that they can pollinate However, it's not too long before my body begins to ache: It begins simply with naught but a sneeze, Then I fee... Read more

Your Money or You...

poem by Rhys Thomas

Back in the days of the Highway men, They used to say 'Your money or your life' All that time, in the way back when They would cause you trouble and strife But today we have come to the brink And our world is out of sync. Thes... Read more

Changing of the S...

poem by Rhys Thomas

Two years ago, I was masquerading at the ball of the season. This year I wear a mask for a very different reason I danced with my friend, the wonderful Margot That dance could be awkward from six feet apart though. We had so much ... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

Surrounded by friend, yet I feel so alone I can't cope with this anymore, I just want to go home But I can't, I can't right now Please let this be over soon Perhaps the world did end in 2012 Welcome to 2020: the Year of Hell A... Read more

Dragon's Treasure

poem by Rhys Thomas

Dragon's treasure is not what you think It's not what has been scrawled down in ink But something more precious by far Than the yolk of a fallen star You shall not harm Dragon's treasure For they have in place a countermeasure ... Read more

Dragon's Rage

poem by Rhys Thomas

Dragon will welcome you into their arms They do not wish you, nor anyone, harm But if against them you make a threat Know that it will be one to regret Do not provoke the coming tide Do not fuel the rising flame Those who do w... Read more

Wscieklosc Smoka

poem by Rhys Thomas

Smok powita cię w swoje ramiona Nie życzą Tobie ani nikomu krzywdy Ale jeśli przeciwko nim stwarzasz zagrożenie Wiedz, że będzie to żałować Nie prowokuj nadchodzącej fali Nie podsycaj ros... Read more

You just need to ...

poem by Rhys Thomas

What a nice guy to have around Pin me to the ground As a person, he's not that poor Throw me right out, through the door Give him a second chance He's not that bad really Oh, Clearly - Just need to get to know him? Why are... Read more

Who Is She

poem by Rhys Thomas

When we met I was drawn to her A connection like no other Yet it seems she was hidden from me Her presence obscured by the veil of time It's like we knew each other from a time before I wonder who she was back then I love her ... Read more

4:30 AM

poem by Rhys Thomas

It’s half past four And I’m still awake I’ve been like this For the past few days Been lying in bed Since nine o’clock And I still can’t get Any sleep. Oh no It’s five in the morni... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

I don't know if I'm where I think I am I fell asleep in the shower and I don't recall waking up I'm in my room, but I can still hear running water I go to the bathroom to check But the shower is off and I am alone Reality is no... Read more

The Battle In My ...

poem by Rhys Thomas

Hey there Depression I feel you sneaking up on me again You're always waiting in the shadows In the dark recesses of my mind You bathe me in darkness regularly But I am strong, strong enought to hold you back I will fight you and... Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

Bravest are we Who must fight each day Not against soldiers nor demons But against ourselves For mere survival Read more


poem by Rhys Thomas

Some days it hurts my heart Sometimes I want to become road art Today I nearly did And if I had Would I stop feeling sad? I often wonder what's for the best To go on fighting or give it a rest Around the corner is just anothe... Read more