It all goes from here, my dear. Words of advice you've heard more than twice, And sounds of cliche that people just had to say to you When you thought that the earth was built solely for your mirth And the sole gravitation was you. Well let me just utter that although we all matter - No one really does so be gone with your fuss, As you're not the first, and though your mind may contrast, You certainly will not be the last to feel like you're roaming, alone and unknowing. Life's ship needs sailing so desist with complaining and if you suddenly think you can't stand anymore just calm your mind and think back to before, when so many others have wrangled the oar. Now grab the deck as you're in for one hell of a trek, But it's OK because when the ship's a wreck Just blame the captain He's just a man And though he can't No one else can. Because this is his toy, his life, his buoy, And when he sees the waves tumbling too fast he doesn't stumble and gasp, But beckons his past, Thinks momentarily "c'est la vie," takes hold of the mast and in the master's hands they fall. But they question remains As to whether they all burn on the gully, Or raise the dancing flames Above the sails For all cynical spectators to watch the phoenix of his Failures.