
story by: Sharon S
Written on Jun 10, 2017

  The ocean that I love isn't warm and sandy beaches with tropical views and beautiful people. It isn't flowers and pineapples, shades and smooth tunes. 
  It is wild and untamed, with craggy shorelines and equally rough faces of a people who labor hard and battle the ocean simply to survive, but are still drawn by its unharnessed power. It is fog so heavy you cannot see far, and a bite in the air that exhilarates your being. 
  The ocean I love is children exploring to find frosted sea glass, digging to uncover a clam- the secret of the sand, or lifting piles of seaweed to search for its crabs in hiding. It is running the smooth, beautiful flats, and feeling so free, so uninhibited- almost as wild as the ocean beside you. 
  It is breathtaking sunsets and sitting on logs, singing around campfires and skipping rocks or trying to slit the devils throat. It is drawing water from springs and collecting fiddle heads and spruce gum. It is forests, and the feeling that there is still land that is not - quite settled. 
  The ocean I love is a companion to dogs running free, covered bridges, and lupines dotting the highway as if it were a mere interruption to their delightful roaming dance. It is large family gatherings with lobster feeds and garden harvests. It is knowing your roots and knowing who you are. 
  The ocean I love is seashells and sea urchins and hearing the musical tones and songs of it's French and Irish roots, knowing but never fully realizing what a gift you have and how rich you are. It is wild, and that is what makes it wonderful. It beckons you and stirs within you a longing for adventure. It's danger is appealing, it's beauty is alluring. It can never be tamed- and I never want it to be. 


Tags: happy,

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Piya Paul Mudgal commented:
A poetic story..Very nice
Cecilia Crasto commented:
You paint a beautiful picture and I fully agree, the ocean is wild but it can also be calm and peaceful, I could just sit and watch it all day...prolific write Sharon.


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