story by: Fadrian Bartley
Written on Feb 04, 2018

They send him away to a place where all things are lifeless
And the image portray, is that all those around him seem hopeless
But love always the substance of all things, and paramount wherever it will comes into play

PT 1

Mark was a brilliant young boy growing up in the tropical region of Alexandria in Jamaica
Attending Charlton primary school, he participate well in class, friendly and attached to his class Members, Exam results always tremendously incredible, his teacher Ms Davis marveled at the Effort he always being putting out on each and every exams, this make mark parents  very proud As Their only son, His mother Hyacinth a photographer, always being the one to spoil her only Son For all the interest at heart, And his father Anthony working on a farm to make ends, love Mark With the rough edges who on a normal basis they would play together in the back yard on Sunday evening, while mom inside making dinner, Christmas season is approaching and the Palm Trees seem to be growing tall, Mark was inside with his mom making cookies and Preparing for A small family reunion, and his father outside trimming leaves and cutting Branches from each Palm trees, mark begin to breathe heavily without the notice of his mother, He held tightly to the kitchen door trembling, Coming from the bedroom Ms Hyacinth Frightened from the strange Expression with her son in a breathless state, Fell from her hand was A glass of orange juice she had prepared for him, Mark what happen? Stand up” holding on to The child “ Anthony “Anthony” she shouted running outside  fearfully, anthony rushing his way To the reaching her half way to the door looking disturb he ask, “what happen? I don’t know Mark just not breathing “I am scared” said hyacinth by then mark was already on the floor when His father approaches pathway to the kitchen door, Mark, Mark he yelled but a lifeless child he Held into his hand, quickly running to the phone meanwhile Hyacinth held her only son into her Hands trying to get a respond, Anthony hurried upstairs removing his sweaty shirt and with the anxiety that He Might lose his only son, 

Anthony! Hyacinth shouted from downstairs, “crying, no, no, no oh god no! sitting on the Ground with mark lay across the floor with his head rest in her hand, and not a breath flowing Through His nostrils except a tiny heart beat is all the hope they had left, running down the steps Is Anthony lifting up mark from the arms of his mother, just in time the medical team arrive from The previous phone call Anthony had make, running outside to meet the medical team with The boy in his hand, what happen? one member from the team ask hyacinth standing from Behind Anthony “he just collapse and not breathing she replied, placing him on a stretch bed Heading Towards the ambulance held on to his lovely wife hopelessly they both went into the Van with the medical team, it took half an hour on the road, driving with max speed to save a Boy life should worth the struggle to overtake other motor vehicle through the traffic with a Hectic weather is a tough challenge for a dying soul with a breathing tube over his nose, and still Not a breath flowing through his nostril but a tiny heart beat, panic attack was only the Expression on everyone’s face on a bumpy ride for a lengthy journey,

Alexandria community hospital is a wonderful environment for children, with doctors and nurses At their peak performance to save anyone’s life is their top and most trusted priority, with Recognition of accreditation in St  Ann Jamaica,  


It was 7 pm when the ambulance arrived at the Alexandria Hospital, the medical staff did a Tremendous job with no hesitation rushing with the stretch bed through the hallway with nurses And doctors anticipating a lifeless boy, they all went straight into the emergency room, both Anthony and his wife hyacinth stands at the door hopeless as their only child life was on the line, They stood and watch holding on to each other as one doctor place the resuscitation machine Across the boy tiny chest and press for the expectation of ones more life to be save, a few Minutes and the vital parameter measuring his heart matrix begin to give signal of a beating Heart, not hesitant to this the group of medical staff combined the necessary procedure and Perform an examination where mark has being diagnose for Rheumatic Heart Disease, and will Be hospitalized for 6 months within doctors care and medication, this of course is a life changing 
Situation for mark such as restriction from certain activities and where diet is concern,

Mark was placed into a ward where he constantly being visited by his mother and father, 
As they arrive at the hospital one morning, heading through the entrance towards mark bed 
She then realized he wasn’t moving and looking helpless, she was troubled and afraid it might be The reoccurrence of a nightmare but mark was just sleeping and suddenly woke looking up was His mother beautiful smile of relief , hi honey” she said in a soft tone holding up in her hand was 
Two coated chocolate of mark favorite, bracing towards his forehead was Anthony with a Fatherly kiss “hey buddy you ok? I am scared, both answered why mark? It’s lonely in here and Dark at night I want to go home, soon honey’ his mother answered holding is hand both hold Their son 
And hug with cheerful kisses telling him how much they love him and nothing is going to 
Happen as the doctors is doing everything they can, mark explain his overwhelming moments in 
The ward with the other elderly people constantly crying out in the night from their illnesses, the Disturbances from a night of restless sleep could be seen on the boy’s face with puffy eyes and Sleeping bags is not hard to identify, it is not long before the doctor came in, his face seem relax With a smile that he must be in for some good news, right there he muttered but with the good News that mark condition has now finalized where it will be ok for him to go home and that his Condition was reportedly in a stable condition “except taking medication for the rest of his life Faith has being exercise, love demonstrate, and a family overcame that which has bestowed upon Them.


Tags: Sad, Love, Faith, Scary, Pain, Hope, Fear,


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