My story

story by: Ivuria Malik
Written on Jul 08, 2023

I was only 6 when I first knew what sexual assault was, I was only 6 when mama decided I was to mature to take care of myself all alone, I was only 6 when I first felt guilty about something I didn't do, I was only 6 when I first talked about the death, about the wish to die, about the wish to feel paikn physically so I can finally stop feeling bad inside.

At 10 I decided that no one was gonna take care of my little sister, so I accepted it. At 10, I was taking care of myself and my little sister that is 2 years younger than me, I fighted, helped, scammed, I did everything so she could be happy and never, I repeat, NEVER, had to go through what I did.7

I tried mama, I tried to help her, to give her what I didn't got when I was a little girl, I tried to conserve her rights about her body, but I failed again with mines.

I was only 16 when I was violated, my friend, my ex boyfriend, someone I cared about and someone that I trusted with my life, took away a part of me, he took away a piece of me when he decided that my choices didn't matter.

I was only 17 when another ex-boyfriend sexually assaulted me, when he decided again, that my rights and choices didn't matter, he took a piece of me away that day, and the next day, and the next one, he did it too many times, I can't even count it with the fingers of my hand, I can't remember. I lasted with this monster 11 months, till he decided that it was okay to cheat and lie to my face, knowing my mental health was so bad, he said he wanted time to be fine with himself till he was eating another man.

Now, I'm still 17 but barely 18 this year, I am with the most beatiful and respectful man I could ever dream about, I love him with my life and I know we will last forever. He is my soulmate.


Tags: Deep,


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